
Prescription Drug Abuse Essay

Decent Essays

The increase of prescription drug abuse has never before been at an all time high. More and more people are getting into the “trend” that is recreationally using Prescription Drugs, and not just any type of prescription drug. Teens are recreationally using opiates such as Oxycontin, Adderall, Vicodin, Morphine Etc. And the numbers continue to grow at an alarming rate. It is now safe to say that Prescription drugs(mostly Opiates) are becoming an even bigger issue than some illegal drugs such as Cocaine, Methamphetamine and many more.
There are dozens of reasons why people get addicted to drugs(in General) whether it is depression, you may have pain, you may have been pressured into using by your peers and many more. But why isn’t anyone doing anything about it to at least try and stop the increase of the numbers of growing addiction? The answer is simple. Money; The Prescription Drug Companies make Billions of dollars off of citizens and there is no one else that profits …show more content…

Some of these drugs are so volatile that that the drugs are by the gale encyclopedia standards” Illegal or illicit drugs are chemical substances either banned by law entirely, or banned for use except under specific circumstances by designated personnel.” (drugfree P6) A drug may be illegal to sell, dispense, possess or use under all circumstances except those specifically allowed by law””Prescription drugs refer to legally regulated pharmacological drugs that can be obtained only with a prescription from a licensed

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