
Preschool Is Crushing Children: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The way every child grows up and attends school has been the same for centuries: preschool, elementary school, high school and eventually college. There has been a set guideline and proper way for children to be educated. However, in recent years there has been a debate on the topic of preschool; whether or not it is necessary for a child to be successful in their future years of education. Multiple studies have supported the information supporting the notion that preschool is not beneficial for children due to poor test scores, primary focus in developmental skills and unprosperous creative thinking. To unpopular belief, preschool has shown through various sources that children who attended preschool performed worse on standardized tests. This is because of poor curriculum, and poorly structured classes. In the article, The New Preschool is Crushing Kids, Erika Christakis stated, “a major evaluation of Tennessee’s publicly funded preschool system, published in …show more content…

In society today, preschool focuses on the importance of a rigid curriculum. This curriculum serves as a primary focus for children to grasp the importance of vocabulary and reading. However, as declared in the article, The New Preschool is Crushing Kids, “we forget how vital spontaneous, unstructured conversation is to young children’s understanding.” This statement emphasizes the importance of talking and listening with other individuals, which is not a technique that preschool primarily focuses upon. During raw conversations, children can develop their ability to think on their own, as well as forming conclusions based on the given topic of discussion. If children attend preschool, they will miss out on the relevance of daily talking and listening skills, which does not play a fundamental role in the curriculum being

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