Necessary prerequisite skills for activity: Students for the past three weeks have been creating proportions and determining if ratios/rates are proportional to each other. Bell work has consisted of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals. This, Zombie Walk Project, is pulling previously learned skills together to increase engagement and to extend knowledge into graphs. Therefore, the following standards are prerequisite to this project: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram. I can add rational numbers. I can subtract rational numbers. …show more content…
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.2.B Understand that integers can be divided, provided that the divisor is not zero, and every quotient of integers (with non-zero divisor) is a rational number. If p and q are integers, then -(p/q) = (-p)/q = p/(-q). Interpret quotients of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts. I can divide integers when the divisor is not zero and get a quotient that is a rational number. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.2.C Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers. I can multiply rational numbers. I can divide rational numbers. Assessment of prerequisite
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Other skills introduced in this book includes using tally marks to collect the data for your charts, using number lines to introduce negative and positive numbers, and using that number line to solve problems.
My goal is to assess student’s prior knowledge of division and to teach students how division can be modeled by using place-value blocks so students can see that division consists of arranging items into equal groups. My goal for day one is to help students develop and understanding of division through the use of manipulatives and drawings so when they transfer that knowledge to day two, students will have a better sense that division consists of dividing a large number into equal groups. By using place-value blocks I also want students to visually see what a remainder looks like so they can better understand what a remainder represents. Sometimes students can’t understand the definition of a remainder which is the part that is left over after
If the divisor is not a whole number, move decimal point to the right to make it a whole number and move decimal point in dividend the same number of places.
The math concepts taught in this lesson are teaching the students how to use certain math formulas, and practice addition and multiplication. It is beneficial for students to know what tools to use for capturing and displaying information that is important to them (Davis, 2011). The science concepts taught in this
When the denominator is the same he is able to partition and see what fraction is needed to make the whole. When comparing fraction pairs, Adam is using gap thinking of the fractions 5/6 and 7/8 “both need 1 of their fraction to make a whole” understanding that each numerator needs one more part to make it a whole. In saying that, when comparing ¾ to 7/9 that have more than 1 to the whole, Adam said ¾ is larger, “1 more ¼ to make 1. 2 more 9ths to make a whole” He tried to apply gap thinking, incorrectly not understanding the unit of fractions. Adam has limitations surrounding improper fractions, not recognizing that 4/2 is larger than 1 whole and is equal to 2. He has misconceptions when comparing fractions with proportional reasoning is limited. When asked to draw a fraction he automatically swaps the numerator and denominator (6/3 to 3/6) when the numerator is larger than the denominator, when considering improper fractions, rather than converting to a mixed number fraction or whole number.. This displays Adams misconceptions of the understanding of the
This is one unit in a yearlong 6th grade math course. In this unit, the students will learn about expressions and equations. Students will learn how letters stand for numbers, and be able to read, write, and evaluate expressions in which these letters take the place of numbers. In this unit, students will learn how to identify parts of an expression using various new terms. They will learn to solve both one- and two-step equations. Students will be able to distinguish between dependent and independent variables. They will be able to identify the dependent and independent variables of equations and in turn, be able to graph them. Various activities to be completed inside and outside of the classroom will be used to show
As a student, I always enjoyed math. In high school I took all of the offered math classes, including Calculus. The first math class I took in college was a breeze, and I thought that this one would be no different. What could I learn about elementary school math that I did not already know? Contrary to my expectation, the first day of class, I learned things about math that had never been brought to my attention. This paper will discuss what I have learned about subtraction, about students, about the Common Core State Standards, and how my concept map has changed since my first draft.
Since schools have implemented the Common Core standards, many parents find themselves increasingly confused by the coursework their children bring home, feeling incapable of providing homework help. Because the methods kids are now learning in school are dramatically different than those you might have been taught, the changes may seem arbitrary and unnecessary. However, as the expert math tutors at Mathnasium of La Cañada explain, the new standards are intended to engender a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and why they work.
Standard: A1.4. Linear functions, equations, and inequalities (Algebra) Students understand that linear functions can be used to model situations involving a constant rate of change. They build on the work done in middle school to solve sets of linear equations and inequalities in two variables, learning to interpret the intersection of the lines as the solution. While the focus is on solving equations, students also learn graphical and numerical methods for approximating solutions to equations. They use linear functions to analyze relationships, represent and model problems, and answer questions. These algebraic skills are applied in other Core Content areas across high school courses.
Renee is creating a slope graph using computer software program. That involves using mathematical skills like algebra.
[In clip 2 at 0:57 the student explains how she knows that -24 is less than -12. She explains this by saying, “because -24 is farther away from 0 than -12 is.” I responded to her by saying, “Positive 24 is further away from 0 than positive 12 and positive 24 is greater than positive 12. So, how… what’s our difference there?” One student in the group said, “because you’re dealing with negatives and then positives.” The other student in the group said, “Negatives… um… is counting down and for positives it’s counting up.” Through this conversation and their explanations, the two students could deepen and solidify their conceptual understanding. I was able to get the students to connect positive and negative integers and see how they relate and
Objective: Student will inform audience on how to add and subtract decimals with and without regrouping.
Teaching students effectively in areas of multiplicative thinking, fractions and decimals requires teachers to have a true understanding of the concepts and best ways to develop students understanding. It is also vital that teachers understand the importance of conceptual understanding and the success this often provides for many students opposed to just being taught the procedures (Reys et al., ch. 12.1). It will be further looked at the important factors to remember when developing a solid conceptual understanding and connection to multiplicative thinking, fractions and decimals.
After taking this class I have gained a better understanding of the meaning of the four arithmetic operations. A verbal description of addition is that this means finding the total, or sum by combining two or more numbers. A clear story problem that shows addition is:Mike made 89 baskets on Sunday at his basketball game. He made 157 baskets on Monday. How many baskets did he shoot in all?. So here you would add 157+89= 246 baskets. A verbal description of subtraction is that it represents the operation of removing objects from a collection. A clear story problem that shows subtractions is: Peter removes 3 cookies from a jar. There were originally 52 cookies in the jar. How many cookies are now left in the jar?. So here you would subtract 52-3= 49 cookies. A verbal description of multiplication is that it is a mathematical operation performed on a pair of numbers in order to derive a third number called a product. A clear story problem that shows multiplication is: Rachel has 4 boxes of candies. Each box holds 76 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy does Jason have?. So here you would multiply 4 times 76= 304 candies. A verbal description of division is that it is splitting into equal parts or groups. A clear story problem that shows division is: 21 people are going to the zoo. There are 3 vans to take people to the zoo. How many will go in each van if the same number go in each van and all of the people go to the zoo?. So here you would divide 21 by 3= 7 people go in