
Preparing and Developing Resources for Learning and Assessment

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Developing and Preparing Resources 1.1 Principles underpinning resource selection for learning and development Resources can be found, made and developed in a variety of ways. They also exist in numerous forms such as paper and printed material, newspapers and journals, to media based resources such as videos, images and blogs. Another extremely valuable resource available can be the teacher themselves, or other people such as guest speakers and specialists who can all provide comprehensive, primary evidence which can enhance a learners experience more, for example, than a paper resource. When considering the preparation and development of a resource, cost is an important factor to consider. As well as monetary cost of the …show more content…

With knowledge gained from previous experience, I knew that the students I would be teaching were comfortable with a variety of learning methods, but work more effectively when a practical or group task is set. I shall therefore tailor my resources to promote this type of learning within my teaching group. The barriers to learning faced by students with disabilities are many and complex, and differ from student to student and often from day to day. Barriers to learning for SEN students may be attitudinal, institutional, social, cultural and practical. The Disability Discrimination Act has a vital role to play in dismantling barriers and delivering equality of opportunity for disabled people in further education. Initiatives to recognise diversity within the student population and to understand the continuum of learner differences will help institutions to recognise and reduce barriers to learning for learners with learning disabilities or difficulties. However, some barriers to learning may still persist because they are outside the control of institutions. Barriers to participation in further education can be considerable for many Foundation Learning students. When planning and developing my resources I shall remember the following points which will ensure I agree to the needs of the learners I am teaching. •Access - physical access as

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