
Prenatal Exposure

Decent Essays

Prior to conducting the study it was expected that prenatal drug and/or alcohol exposure would have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance, later in life. The study supported the original hypothesis. There was a very strong, negative correlation between prenatal exposure and academic performance (r=0.9).
The study results resemble Buckingham-Howes, Bento, Scaletti, Koenig, Granger, & Black’s (2014) study which tested how prenatal exposure to drugs affected stress reactivity and cognitive function of subjects in their adolescence. The participants who were prenatally exposed to drugs and those that were not, were tested on two moderately stressful academic tasks and samples were taken to determine the presence of stress induced …show more content…

I believe the past studies support my study because the method and a large part of the participants shared comparable attributes. The results of the study are significant in an effort to understand how a mother’s decision to expose their child to drugs or alcohol. There are implications for policy that should affect how prenatal abuse is seen and punished. Pregnant women should be given education on the effects of prenatal exposure on their child. The education should be provided in county health clinics as this is a public health issue. There is evidence that an exposed child will be negatively impacted long after birth and this in turn affects society as a whole. Children continue to grow and if they are prenatally exposed to drugs or alcohol they likely face more difficulty in school which makes learning life skills more difficult and may possibly lead to dependence upon society for assistance. People who depend on society to provide for them become more of a burden than productive members of society, which negatively impacts society as a whole. Upon finding the results of this study and those like it there should be changes made in policy and intervention should be provided in an effort to prevent a negative impact on

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