
Prejudice In Little Things Are Big By Jesus Colon

Decent Essays

“Prejudiced” is the most meaningful word in Jesus Colon’s poem “Little Things are Big” because it supports character through his motivation to choose the method of inaction when confronted with possible prejudice, and is critical to the plot and structure. His fear of the word the author chose is what caused him to act a certain way, which was not helping the white woman when he could have made the choice to.

Prejudice is an adjective used to describe people and the reason for their hateful attitude. This word holds much influence in the poem. An example of this central theme and the relevance of this word in the text can be found in the story- “I’m a Negro and a Puerto Rican. Suppose I approached this white lady in this deserted subway station late at night? What would she say?” (lines 17 and 18). Jesus was afraid of the outcome his courtesy would have- all because of blatant 1950’s prejudice.. He let his fear of encountering a prejudiced person get in the way of performing a humane act. Therefore, this word holds relevance in the events that happens due to the prejudiced minds of the …show more content…

An example of this can be found in the text- “So, here is the promise I made to myself back then: if I am ever faced with an occasion like that again, I am going to offer my help regardless of how the offer is going to be received. Then I will have my courtesy with me again.” (lines 29 and 30). The promise he made to himself was a result of him seeing the firsthand effects that a prejudiced mindset had, and how it could influence a person to dodge social situations. The author, therefore, thought it crucial to include this word to emphasize the situation that many people were in during that time period, and the hardship they faced as a result of prejudice. This, in turn, builds Jesus’ character and motivation for keeping the promise he made to

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