
Precede-Precede Framework

Decent Essays

Precede-Proceed Framework The model selected allows for a thorough process of identifying available data to gain a working knowledge of the population of focus and their prevalent health problems (Issel, 2014). It will identify strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to a health program goal. It also identifies the organizations ability to develop and implement a health program (Issel, 2014). This information is valuable and serves to recognize the ultimate success of a health program and the benefits the population of focus will receive.
This framework identifies a goal or vision and then works backwards to identify impeding social factors. Through 4 phases, (1) social, (2) epidemiological, (3) educational & ecological and (4) administrative …show more content…

Census and American Diabetic Association (ADA). These associations serve to provide numerical information relevant to demographics, prevalence, incidence and number of diabetes related hospitalizations and deaths. See appendix C. Archived materials will serve to provide published documents, studies and annual reports. Studies such as the one published in the Health promotion Practice Journal concluded that diabetes inequities requires system and policy changes based on real-life experiences of vulnerable individuals (Clark, Quinn, Dodge & Nelson, 2014). Assessment of policy and administration is an important phase of the Proceed-Precede framework. Without this phase the three types of changes required to reduce diabetes inequities amongst minorities would not have been identified. Data sharing across care-providing organizations, embedding community health workers into the clinical care team, and linking clinic services with community assets and resources in support of self-management were factors identified (Clark, Quinn, Dodge & Nelson, …show more content…

During this phase the clinic, its staff and the community are assessed, identifying facilitating and obstructive factors. Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is recommended by various organizations and is a standard of medical care (Schreiner & Ponder, 2013). The nine key points recommended at initial diagnosis and during follow-ups are nutritional management education, physical activity recommendations, educating on medications safely and treating for maximal therapeutic effectiveness, monitoring blood glucose, preventing, detecting, and treating acute/chronic complications, personal strategies to address psychosocial issues and concerns and personal strategies to promote health and behavior change (Schreiner

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