
Pre-Participation Screening Questionnaire

Satisfactory Essays

My client Miles Meredith filled out the PAR-Q, AHA/ACSM pre-participation screening questionnaire, HPLP II, SF-12, FTS medical history, readiness to change questionnaire, self-efficacy questionnaire, decisional balance score, and sign the Informed Consent Form. My client listed a past shoulder surgery on the PAR-Q and medical history, but aside from that no other noted health complications. He scored a PCS of 54.2 and a MCS of 56 in the SF-12. On the HPLP II he had an average score of 2.63. His highest category was stress management and his lowest were health responsibility and interpersonal relationship.
Upon analysis of my client’s personal health profile and disease risk profile my client demonstrates he is ready to change, and is cleared

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