In the context of the Stages of Change theory, for a community to fully embrace a new technology its members must recognize the benefits of the change that technology brings. For this study, the understanding (Pre-contemplation and contemplation stages) is developed through communication to the community about the technology through workshops and through the promotora community outreach model. In Westwood, cognizance is developed through a two tiered plan. The first component is encouraging awareness for the problems the community faces through the directed questions during appraisal. This step necessitates participants to articulate what they see as problems within their community which encourages thought and pre-conception. This step relies on developing cognition and an evaluative process. The second component involves infusing awareness of the benefit of the technology into the community through distributed literature, presentations, promotora outreach and loaner demonstration units given to volunteer households. The preparation for this study is originated through planned community workshops where the community will be trained how to construct and use the technology effectively. Action will occur when community members begin to construct and install their own devices. Maintenance in the context of this study will be represented by the community’s protraction of use indicated by the heaters being re-used for a second winter season. The Stages of Change model is a
There are some challenges, as well, in implementing health promotion programs that use the social ecological framework. One main challenge is that programs are expensive and complex to implement in certain community settings. Also, there needs to be close coordination and collaboration between individuals and groups. In the article by Wagemakers et al., the authors developed a framework that links the domains of social environment and health, with key health predicting mediators, and operational variables of participation and collaboration (6). They based this framework on experience in case studies, audits of community health programs in the Netherlands, and ideas found in the literature. The authors offer four key guidelines on how to apply the framework that can help increase community participation and collaboration. These guidelines are: use the variables as a menu, set specific aims for social change processes, use an action research approach and triangulate data. This framework can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of community health promotion designs and address the challenges faced in implementing new programs.
Financial leverage is a company's ability to pay its debt. It refers to the use of debt with the intention of increasing the potential return of an investment. This debt can increase returns on shareholders in good times and reduce them in bad times (Brealey, et al., 2012, p. 92). A Christian practicing in a financial advisor capacity is morally obligated to warn companies or consumers against becoming indebted if they are at a high risk of default. According to Liang (2007), biblical teachings provide many insights into the excessive use of debt in financial transactions. As confirmation, in
The Ruby Lake neighborhood is in a bit of a turmoil due to a recent crisis revealing a lack in their current emergency preparedness. As this concern came to light, a deeper deficit in the community was apparent. An outdated needs assessment governed the neighborhood. A neighborhood which has drastically changed since its inception 10 years before. So, to remedy the situation, community activists and liaisons have come together with the local mayor to find a solution. Before they can begin to solve the problem at hand, a more in-depth understanding of the needs present in the community. These strategies denote several ways to begin collecting the needed information, but not all data gathering methods are equal. To capture the true level of the needs of this neighborhood, the qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection will require further investigating to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses in addressing the Ruby Lake community needs (Capella University, n.d.c).
Philip Noyce's version of Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American to film was a large success. It stayed pretty close to the book, and kept the personalities of the character’s the same. What I respected about the movie was that the director chose to film in actual Vietnamese locations and without compromise, boldly sticking to the novel by not letting the Americans come out of the story too kindly. It was filmed greatly and he captured so many details of Vietnam. Brenden Fraiser and Michael Caine did an amazing job portraying their characters.
The public consultation consists of two steps; the first one is to inform the community and relevant stakeholders the adverse impacts of the proposed. This move involves community meetings, public notices, and public display. Also, informative flyers will be distributed, and a telephone hotline will be open for direct inquiries. The second phase is to gain feedbacks and concerns from the community. Then identify and evaluate these concerns, and make modification on the proposed project. This step consists of community surveys, community workshops, and community seminars. Also, after gathering and identifying feedbacks, meetings will be organized with the relevant stakeholders to discuss measures to avoid, remedy or minimize adverse effects of some actions of the proposed
Ohmer, M. L., & DeMasi, K. (2009). Consensus organizing: A community development workbook: A comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and evaluating community change initiatives. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
There was an improvement in standards of residential homes, so that houses would be fixed to meet the changing needs of the people. To demonstrate, sleeping porches were now a component added when designing out a blueprint of a home,
In a community risk reduction plan I would choose improper heating of a residential structure as my fire related topic. I would ask the following groups for their assistance in implementing a plan of community risk reduction from the following stakeholders and partners.
There were multiple volunteers that were trained to conduct the survey safely on two beaches in Rhode Island.The beaches that were used for the survey were Roger Wheeler and East Matunuck due to the Block Island offshore wind farm being visible from these locations. There were multiple versions of the survey given to each volunteer and as many variables as possible were controlled. There were restrictions on how many people surveying on the beach at a given time and this was determined to be five. At the beginning of each survey the surveyor was to record the start time and end of the surveying period. Also, the weather conditions along with a picture of the turbines were recorded to document the surveying location’s conditions on that given day. The data collected from each survey was put into designated files and compiled together in the Coastal Resources Building at the University of Rhode Island. The purpose of this survey was to gain an understanding of how people perceive the new offshore wind project. Along with the knowledge of the construction aspect, these surveys will also be a very valuable tool for other states to investigate when proposing future offshore wind projects. The results show that the variety of the participants in the survey was able to provide for solid representation of the general population.The data collected was from a variety of people with all different backgrounds. The average age of the participants in the survey was 42 years old but the ages of ranged from 20 to 69 years of age.The ratio of the genders for this study was not idea as 50/50 but was 65/35 for men and women and this is represented as figure 3. There was also a strong variation in the income level of the participants who took the survey. The income
Utilize smoke alarm program and enhance the awareness to the community about the dangers of aging homes and the lack of protection from not having functional or existing smoke alarms.
I believe that many psychological theories were involved in my choice to study social work. These stages contributed to not only my social, but my intellectual growth as well. They have truly shaped me into the person that I am today.
(“Janice Litwin, Janet Lansberry, William Slotnik, and John Vaughn,” 1994) stated: “Technical assistance provides more than a set of skills. It provides a framework upon which community development organizations can analyze their needs, assesses their strengths and weaknesses, plans, grows and helps their communities to prosper.” Technical assistance means a broad term used to describe these communications and collaborations across these systems with the ultimate goal of bridging the gap between research, policy, and practice. Technical-assistance is broad in Texas we see so many jobs that are dealing with assistance. Technical-assistance can be provided in different ways, besides, jobs. In, the state
Although good health is generally the norm in emerging adulthood, “low birthrate, under-nutrition in infancy and rapid weight gain in early childhood tend to result in shorter height, reduced body-functioning and higher risks of disease (Berger, 2014, p. 394). Fertility is still an optimal level as it always was, however families are being started almost a decade later than they used to. Emerging adults are riskier and have more accidents, however, due to their overall good healthy, they are usually discharged from the hospital rather quickly. In sports, the thrill overwhelms reason (Berger, 2014, p. 398). Drug and alcohol abuse are exciting in emerging adults, reaching it’s peak attraction during college and declining sharply around age 20. A fifth state of though that would follow Piaget’s four stages of thought is called postformal thought. Post formal tinkers take a more flexible and comprehensive approach, using forethought, noting difficulties and anticipating problems, not denying, avoiding or procrastinating, (Berger, 2014, p. 400). Stereotype threat, which is the possibility that one’s appearance or behavior will be misread to confirm another persons’ over simplified, prejudice attitudes, can be a real problem on emerging adults who apply to and attend college. “College attendance is rapidly increasing in developing nations, as it is apparent that tertiary education improves health productivity and income.” (Berger, 2014, p. 408). During emerging adulthood, an
By harnessing and improving skills of volunteers it can utilize the potential in our existing “human capital” and by effectively interacting with the residents of our town in an emergency, we can make use of and generate substantial “social capital” [open university9]. The positive aspects are that a “Context: Service” in the innovation [open university11] here is being provided for the benefit of the community by providing a warm, safe, well-lit environment with hot food. An outreach system to identify those stranded at home using an
Perhaps technology could advance at a greater pace if not for the hindrance of greed. The need to profit as much as possible on slightly tweaked versions of last year’s innovations rather than really pushing our limits has slowed down our technological progress in society. We have traded the future of society for gadgets and gizmos already past their expiration date.