
Power In The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Power is one of the key elements in the American Dream. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the purpose of the American Dream is that the world is revolved around money. Back in that time (The 1930s), money, gender, and race were equal to power. Power represented everything. The proletariat could not get any power. In today's society, the value of American Dream and power has changed. Everybody can gain the power to change their lives and achieve their American Dream, no matter where they were born or in what class they were born. There are many differences between the ideas of power in the American Dream when comparing the society in Of Mice and Men with modern society. First, it will be seen that males dominated females in the 1930s, but we currently have more gender equality. Second, it will be seen that White Supremacy was dominant in the 1930s, but now it has considerably decreased since that time. Third, there has been changes in the power dynamic between bosses and employees from the 1930s to nowadays.
Back in the 1930s, males had more power than females did. Normally at that time, men were the providers for the family financially and women stayed at home to raise their children. Also, males served as the heads of the households. Men could command women to do whatever they wanted. Because males had more money and power than females, women were treated like toys. In the book Of Mice and Men Curley’s wife said "Well, I ain't giving you no trouble. Think I don't like

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