
Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Have you ever been put in charge of people and felt like on top of the world and felt like and felt like you can do anything? that happens when you receive too much power it corrupts you, scientist got 2 groups of random people and put 1 person in charge and gave them the duty to split money with, their group or they could keep the money for themselves one group had no power leader and the other group had 3 high power leaders, they discovered the group with the 3 high power leaders made anti-social decisions and the other group was more considerate. The results were that people like having power decision making, and people who are given too much power can go straight to their head. (The Guardian). By showing how evil leaders, can become corrupted …show more content…

In the begging the Animals on Animal Farm had freedom and quality, but once the animals get rid of Mr. Jones the animals take over the farm the pigs start to take charge, Snowball and Napoleon try to show leadership to the rest of the animals. Napoleon didn’t want Snowball to be the new leader so, Napoleon got dogs on snowball and drove him off the farm. Napoleon is then furthered corrupted by power after he begins to drink the cow’s milk and keep it for himself only. Once the pigs see they can do whatever they want without being questioned the pigs gradually give themselves higher benefit than the other animals. Napoleon also uses his advantages like knowledge Napoleon starts manipulating the animals on the farm, Napoleon by changing the commandments for the pig’s advantage. Napoleon believes the “The milk and the windfall apples and also the main crop of apples when they are ripened would be reserved for the pigs” (Orwell 36) According to Orwell Napoleon mentions “Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty, jones would come back! (Orwell 36) that showed once the pigs got power they started being corrupted and threatening the animals knowing they didn’t like Mr. Jones so they would do anything to not get Mr. Jones back so they listened to whatever the pigs said. Nobody should be given too much power because given too much power can lead to

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