
Power In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Decent Essays

The power to stay in control is an attribute in which people try to obtain. In the novella of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson, power is portrayed as a game of “Tug-of-War” in which power is measured by the strength of one’s willpower. Dr. Jekyll is a man of flawless reputation and wealth, while Mr. Hyde is a grotesque being who is “alone in the ranks of mankind, [and] pure evil” (112). Even though both characters are polar opposites of each other, they both share the same body and are equally as strong, showing that power can be given to anyone who so long desires it, has no more to lose from it, or has the willpower to possess it. Dr. Jekyll is a man of high stature and class, but he has always …show more content…

To fulfill his desires, he creates a potion that can strengthen his darker side, an alternate ego in which he can use to act on without obeying the rules of society. Like Eve, Jekyll did what he wanted to do even though they clearly knew that it would cause severe effects. The influence of the serpent to Eve to eat the forbidden fruit was tempting, “[Eve] saw that the tree was… a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, [so] she took from its fruit and ate [it]” (Bible Genesis 3:6). The potion, like the forbidden fruit, is a tempting substance that could influence the strongest of minds to do what they might not believe is right. Jekyll, the creator of the potion, befell the influence of it like how Eve was influenced to do an act against the wishes of God. Unlike Eve, Dr. Jekyll tries to fight off the temptations of the potion “but the temptation of [this] discovery… overcame the suggestions of alarm” (62) – showing that Jekyll cannot …show more content…

He does everything within his power by “[coming] out of his seclusion, [renewing] relations with his friends… and [being] known for charities” (31). Jekyll truly knows the power that Hyde contains and he fears it. He tries everything to distract himself from the temptation of the potion that will let him transform into Hyde. Having his friends by his side and committing good deeds distracts him from the potion and its strong grasp on Dr. Jekyll. He is slowly regaining his control over Hyde once again. Although Jekyll has the willpower to stay his good self, will it be enough when you’re fighting against a man of pure

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