
Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Decent Essays

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
There are many examples, throughout history, of leaders who have been corrupted with power. For example, people like Hitler and Napoleon have all committed shameful actions in the hopes of gaining absolute power. Authority, or simply the desire of control, can cause people to act in incomprehensible ways. Throughout the play Macbeth, written by playwright Shakespeare, the desire for absolute power is the main driving force for the two main characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. They are consumed with a great craving for ultimate rule, and are willing to achieve it by whatever means necessary. Power had corrupted the thoughts, actions and behaviors of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and as a …show more content…

In addition, to Lady Macbeth plotting Duncan’s death, Macbeth had also been corrupted with power because he continued to kill innocent people after Duncan’s murder. The prophecy was for Macbeth to become king of Scotland and the only obstacle in his path was Banquo. Banquo had also been given a prophecy and that was for his generations to become king of Scotland. Macbeth desired forhis generations to become the kings and queens and so to stop the prophecy made to Banquo from coming true, Macbeth hires men to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. The following quote illustrates this situation:“It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul's flight, / If it finds heaven, must find it out tonight (3.I).” In this quote we see that Macbeth has seen what the witches predicted came true and now seeks to prevent what they said about Banquo. However, Macbeth continued to do these sickening acts because he believed that his actions would lead to the prophecy coming true. Furthermore we see this when Macbeth says: “Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires (1.IV).”This passage is important because it shows premeditation on Macbeth's part. Somewhere he suspects that his "black" heart will be revealed, and the world will know of his crimes. Macbeth hopes that his crimes will go unpunished. Still, he does not want the "stars" to see; he does not want their light, "the fires", to illuminate either his deed or his soul. His "deep desires" are for

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