
Poverty, Poor, And Poor

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The concepts of “worthy” and “unworthy” poor came about during the English Poor Laws that were introduced in the 1500’s. The English poor laws classified poor or dependent people into three major categories and established many requirement before aid was provided. Dependent persons were categorized as: vagrant (nomadic; with no permanent home or employment), the involuntary unemployed and the helpless. In effect, the poor laws separated the poor into two classes which were the worthy and the unworthy. The worthy were classified as orphans, widows, handicapped, or the frail elderly. The unworthy were the drunkards, suspicious, or lazy. (Hansan, J.E. (2011). Poor relief in early America) A major theme that was established during this time …show more content…

The workers saw the persistent abuse of immigrants, the terrible working conditions in factories and sweatshops, and the failure of public officials to enforce laws. Settlement house residents soon learned that the conditions of the poor people in the neighborhoods were most often not the result of choice but of necessity. These discoveries led to the house residents acting as advocates on behalf of immigrants and their neighborhoods. Some even organized English classes and immigrant protective associations. At the same time as the settlement houses were in effect, the charities were being discouraged from giving public relief, during a period of financial crisis and unemployment. The society went into chaos and the charities began to panic. Due to the overwhelming amount of relief necessary, charity workers argued that there needed to be a scientific way to establish who would get relief. Therefore, private charities were combined into an organization called the COS, and others like it followed. These organizations were there to conduct investigations and distinguish the worthy from the unworthy poor and based on their findings, refer them to relief agencies. Where the COS blamed the poor for their situation, the settlement houses strived to prove that it was a societal issue. The settlement houses paved the way for community organization and didn’t focus on the COS’s distinction of worthy and unworthy. The social workers in the settlement houses focused on reducing

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