
Poverty Essay

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In today’s world, poverty is happening throughout many societies. Poverty is defined as a person who is living of off of paychecks to pay checks; or not having enough money to meet basic needs such as, food, shelter, and clothing. Poverty has been a social issue that has been around for many years in the United States, and as the years continue to pass by poverty tends to get worse. Despite being one of the most popular countries in the world, the United States has families and communities who are struggling to survive with low income that puts them in the either below poverty who are known as low class, or right on top of poverty which are known as the middles class. This social problems has caused impact on the United States, However …show more content…

Public assistance has been around for many years, dating back to the 1930s. Food Stamps (SNAP), Welfare or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),Supplemental Income (SSI), and Housing assistance are just a few programs that the government provides for needy families. The process of getting into one of these programs are difficult, sometimes people do not want to go through the process because, they feel like it's just a waste of time and is too much for them to handle. Having help from the government was always a sign of "failure or weakness" to people, still to this day many people are ashamed of being in one these programs that actually are there to help, not to embrasses an individuals. People constantly joking about how food stamps, and SSI checks, but do not know the benefits of it and how it can help a person get back on their feets, and be better than before. Judgements and criticisms about government help are getting so bad in today's society that people who are in these programs are ashamed to tell their personal business to family or friends, or even go into public to get items that are needed to survive, mainly food because of the criticism that they will receive. For years, people stereotype African American for being the race that had a higher percentage of needing the government help, but did not know that, whites as well has a high percentage of those who also receives help from the government.

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