
Postpartum Depression On The Mother And Parenting

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For this research paper, I decided to focus on postpartum depression. While being a listening ear, I was introduced to the reality that not every mother has the attachment to her child that almost every movie in Hollywood portrays. After hearing the story and not sure if it was a real thing, I began to search the web for information, stories, and news coverage related to the rarely-discussed category of depressed known as Postpartum Depression (PPD). I wanted to find solid proof that this was an actual diagnosis and what the long-term effects would be, as well as what was being done to reduce the amount of women that suffer from this. This research should allow me to better understand the causes and effects of postpartum depression on the …show more content…

Problems such as breastfeeding, marital or relationship issues, feeling inadequate, and not having the social support can all add to the stress factors that could potentially lead and contribute to postpartum depression (Postpartum Depression, 357). Primary Care Physicians are ultimately more likely to make the diagnosis of PPD over their obstetrician since they usually have a more solid foundation and trust built up after being seen there more frequently. A test is given to women around eight to twelve weeks postpartum in order to determine the likelihood of postpartum depression and overall health of the mother (Postpartum Depression, 358-359). Another scholarly journal I found was Disorganized attachment in early childhood: Meta-analysis of precursors, concomitants, and sequelae by Marinus H van Ijzendoorn, Carlo Schuengel, and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg published by Cambridge University. The journal describes how a mother’s postpartum depression affects the mental development of the child as well as their own attachment issues that can result in educational delays as well as behavioral issues (Development and Psychopathology, 228). Children develop attachments with anyone who gives them steady care, disregarding the quality of that care. The effect on infants whose mother went through postpartum depression (PPD) can impact the development and quality of life that child will have (Child Development, Feb 1993). A long-term effect

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