
Postmodernism And Modernism: An Analysis

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Postmodernism was a reaction against the modernism philosophical values and assumptions. Although many agree that there is a thin line between modernism and postmodernism, postmodernism is not modernism. In modernism, scientific theories were used to determine what is true. However, postmodernism allows individuals to question the theories and not take them as facts (Duignan, 2014). While modernism emphasized on objectivism, postmodernism allows extensive subjectivism in all aspects of life.
The main features of a postmodernist are that he or she is overly subjective, sensitive towards the role of ideology in assertion and maintenance of political and economic power. On the other hand, a modernist for example, there exists objective natural …show more content…

The postmodernists made popular culture an essential part of their artwork. The postmodern artists created worldly objects of consumerism while using irony and humour to transform soft forms and cultural icons. Postmodern artists used industrial materials to make objects reminiscent of industrial lines. Popular culture was commercialized and become mainstream.
To that end, the postmodernism can be said have stretched the work of art. Looking at the postmodernism from the art perspective, it is clear that it was a revolutionary. It was not meant to do away with modernism but to renovate and reunite it. It brought in the aspect of freedom in art. While modernism locked out minority races from art, postmodernism was all inclusive and opened the doors for everybody. Postmodernism looked at modernism beliefs and assumptions about art as punitive especially those concerning authenticity and originality and discriminative especially those that saw minority races as

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