
Posted Classroom Rules

Decent Essays

In our text book, Champs: A Proactive & Positive Approach to Classroom Management Sprick (2009) states, “Posted classroom rules should communicate to students that you have specific expectations” (p.115). If there is an uncertainty about behavior expectations in the classroom, students may find their own patterns of behaving. The classroom rules are based on the needs of our general learning environment, developmentally appropriate for this age level, and directed toward the misbehaviors that I believe are most likely to occur by middle school students. In developing classroom rules, I have followed three guidelines provided by Creating and Implementing Effective Rules and Consequences (Teach for America, n.d.), “Phrase your rules in …show more content…

One of the first set of lessons we will have on this day is classroom rules. A short, slightly entertaining presentation will be given in regards to why we have rules, and what are the specific rules for our classroom. After the presentation, the students’ will have an opportunity to discuss the rules with a partner by explaining to one another what they believe each of the rules means. We will return to whole class discussion and I will take volunteers to those willing to share what they and their partner came up with. At this time, I will clear up any confusion that any students may have, then ask them to return to their partner to discuss ways you can show what these rules mean; as well as, show what they do not mean. We will return to whole class discussion and I will take any volunteers to act out the individual rules of what they mean and what they do not mean. After each rule is acted out by the volunteer, I will allow the students to act them out as well in their seats. I will take any questions at this time and then assign a small classroom rules quiz to ensure each one of the students knows what is expected of them. They will have the opportunity to correct each other’s quiz and receive immediate

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