
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )

Decent Essays

Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD can be very common to those who have gone through a hardship in their life. Most people hear about PTSD when soldiers come home from war, or a victim has been raped. Post-traumatic stress disorder deals with mental health, and the stress caused by a negative event someone has gone through. (Joseph, 1997) Anyone with PTSD goes through three symptoms to be diagnosed with the disorder. People that have PTSD usually get diagnosed with other mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. (Joseph, 1997) Every person experiences PTSD differently, and needs different types of treatment for the problem. For many people, it is hard to understand what someone with PTSD goes through thus making it harder for the victim to speak of their issues.(Joseph, 1997) People with PTSD often try and find other outlets for their stress, some even unhealthy ways of dealing with it such as alcohol or drugs. PTSD can lead to aggressiveness and violence if not treated properly.
In today’s society mental health disorders are not always looked at as something serious. Many people do not realize that just like physical illnesses mental comes in the way of everyday lives. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health disorder that can happen to any person at any age. Traumatic events very from person to person, but many of the symptoms are very similar. (Joseph, 1997) To be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder there has to me three symptoms.

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