
Post Open Heart Surgery Depression

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The focus of this paper is to conclude a theory that presents an explanation as to why a large percentage of patients often develop depression post open-heart surgery. This theory will consider dynamic causes of depression including physiological, psychological, developmental, social, and spiritual factors of patient experiences.

Post-Cardiovascular Surgery Depress
Physiologic Stressors Depression is among one of the many risks involving any cardiac open-heart surgical procedure. The body is put under a tremendous amount of physical stress and could cause someone to feel the effects of depression. A saw is used to crack open the sternum, the muscles are stretched apart and the adjacent nerves are strained to expose the …show more content…

Patient’s worry that the relationships they had pre-open heart surgery will never be the same due to their condition. It is important for patients to realize that a support system is so vital to their recovery and wellbeing.
Spiritual Stressors Open-heart surgery will also try a patient’s spirituality. Patients may ask God, “why me?” and develop a sense of anger and or betrayal. This may cause he or she to feel forsaken and separated from God; this mistrust in God can further contribute to a patient’s loneliness and depression. The varying combinations of stressors mentioned above compromise a patients normal state of mind and can easily be attributed to their negative and depressed way of thinking which only makes sense to lash out against God. Hopefully a patient’s actions and mentality can be persuaded and enlightened by the nurse or others taking care of the patient. (Isaiah 41:10 KJV) “Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” It is important for the patients to see their condition in a more positive and proactive light. This patient should view their surgery as a success through the power of God and as second chance to change their life style to improve their health and hopefully prevent the need for future surgical procedures.
The author speculates that post open-heart surgery depression is triggered by

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