
Post Discharge Scenario

Satisfactory Essays

As a community social services assistant, I work directly with pediatric patients that have been discharged from St. Vincent Hospital. When meeting with patients post discharge, I have noticed that they are often confused about the types of services they require. I have considered various options to address this issue and have come up with a potential solution. Hospital admissions can be overwhelming for young children; I am suggesting we trial providing homecare information in a more fun and less intimidating manner. I am suggesting we hire a popular local clown named Claris who performs at children’s parties .Claris is passionate about helping children, and would be able to explain homecare information in a fun and interactive way that would be easier for children to understand. …show more content…

Tommy McDermott is scheduled for discharge at the end of week and will require regular homecare from a physiotherapist. Claris would meet with Tommy at the community centre; and she will explain what a physiotherapist does and why he needs to see a physiotherapist post discharge. I will check in with Tommy after his meeting to see if Claris was successful explaining

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