Mary Frances M. Emanon, Hildgyn G. Ruaza, and Caryl Mae Dorothy L. Dablio
Andre Peralta
English 27
May 16, 2016
Title: The Positive Effects of Internet on Students’ Academics in the new Generation
Thesis Statement: Internet may positively affect the students’ academics in the new generation.
For the 20th century way of life where in everything should be fast or instant as possible people need a thing that can give services and information right away. Internet has been a tool used by people to make daily life activities and stuffs much easier. Internet is considered to be one of the widely used products of technology. Internet can offer information and services fast that makes people tasks more convenient to do. Everyday somehow it is impossible that even an ordinary person can not use the Internet, for Internet has various purposes that could make people’s daily life activities or works easier and faster. Internet has a lot of uses and effects on people
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Almost all institutions around the world used internet as a primary tool for students’ learning. There are positive effects of internet on students especially in terms of academics, positive effects which resulted from the services and information that the internet can offer. Once on the internet, users in rising and creating countries have held onto associating as their most favoured kind of advanced movement. Respondents said it has a positive impact. Survey says that the expanding usage of the internet has an impact on individual connections, contrasted among those who have less experience with the internet. (Pew Global Organization, 2015). Parents consider computers as important instruments to education for children to help discover a wide perspective of reliable information, and that young students who has no access in the internet has more disadvantage in comparison to those who have access (Kim,
Internet has become an indispensable tool in my daily tasks. Contrary; when I was a child, I recall myself going to the library for investigations as back then the use of internet was still on the road of gaining popularity. Nowadays, internet seems to have gained tremendous popularity among new generations to the point that if I were to compare my generation with future generations, I would say they will have even more advantages than the ones I had when I was a child. In addition, changes in population is a second normative history-grade influence as my generation tends to have less children than past generations due to the implementation of contraceptive methods and living cost increases experienced since the past few
In contemporary times, the technological advancement known as the Internet, has revolutionized the way in which society is educated. This tool greatly impacts not only the field of education, but every aspect of society. Indeed, Lewin documents, “those ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours a day” (A1), connected to the Internet. This citation illustrates the extensive amount of time today’s youth are online. To that end, the Internet is prevalent in many homes throughout the world and continues to influence the way in which people are educated both in the classroom and even while performing homework. The impact of the Internet becomes evident when one begins to examine similarities and differences between the slew of
The internet itself now plays an important role in our everyday lives, and has revolutionised both society and education. Following the invention of electronic computers in the 1950’s, the main format of the internet (that we still use today) was invented in 1978, before going global in the 1980’s. Primarily, the invention of the internet is important, due to how it revolutionised technology, and in such a short amount of time. Thanks to the internet mobile phones, laptops, and developed social media have all been invented, following the global demand during the 1980’s. As well as this, the invention of the internet has benefitted society due to the new technology that has sped up general tasks around the home, the spread of news and political topics, and the time used for revision, particularly with students. Just like the Civil Rights movement, without the internet, our modern society would be very
Internet, one of the greastest inventions of the twentieth century, can bring people all over the world closer together in physical seeing, communicating and getting the lastest activities and information of other people. With the support of technology devices accessing the Internet such as laptop, cellphone, tablet members of family can easily see the other ones at a million-kilometre distance whileas about twenty years ago, there was no way to do that. Another benefit of the Internet in connecting people is reducing the cost of trading communications because the internet allows commercial partners can communicate by sending emails and organing the meeting on air via monitors. Besides, the boom of social media in recent decade enables people
The internet is something that has affected the last few generations. Today's students are affected immensely because they are young, impressionable, and exposed to many more resources through the internet. In Andrea Lunsford’s article, “Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast,” she and her research team prove that, when used wisely, the internet is not harming students and enhancing their writing skills. In Nicholas Carr's article, “Hal And Me,” he writes through personal and second hand experiences about how the internet is reducing people's ability to absorb information. Many people have different opinions on technology. The ongoing debate is whether or not the internet is affecting people, mostly the younger generations, in a bad way or in a good way.
“Internet, mobility, and multimedia are important technology tools that are used in education industry” (Hameed 372).Although the internet is an important tool in the classroom and out, it does have downsides. Websites have become more commercialized, and this has made searching through websites difficult since not all websites are reliable. In the Journal done by Shihab Hameed he says that statistics show that teenagers use the internet more than adults, they use the internet to play games, listen to music and meet new people. Hameed also mentions that it reduces student activity. Students are able to get solutions to homework and as result
Internet has brought a change in the way people connect with one another. Although the effects are witnessed by all generations in general, yet the young generation is impacted by the Internet the most. There is also variation in the extent to which children belonging to different areas are affected by the Internet since the use of the Internet is generally more common in the urban areas as compared to the rural areas.
The internet is the easier way for people to communicate with each other. It has made the world smaller by bringing people together everywhere and any time. This invention has important tools for people to contact and it has changed their way of communication in today busy world. In fact people are becoming totally dependent on the internet as a way of communication in their daily life, business and work. The limitation of old communication tools has made the use of internet for communication is wider all over the world .
The Internet is the most popular network around the world. It started in 1969 and is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Also, it offers a variety of information and services. Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. Therefore, People is not only use internet for searching information or ideas, it also provide as a fast and effective means of communication. People can share information fast and clear among each other. Internet offered the world with a lot of important information and entertainment hence making easier and cheap for individuals. Internet helps
The Internet is a technology that has negative impacts on our daily lives. It has changed aspects of our life for the last 50 years, and it has demonstrated the considerable influence on people’s lives. Almost 3.2 billion people in the world use the internet. The Internet has gained acceptance across the globe, and it has also become a reason behind the critical changes in the modern society. Some of the changes are social isolation, health disorder, lack of privacy and internet addiction.
For the majority of people, it is difficult to imagine what life would be like without the internet. The world of education has also undergone tremendous change since the advent of the internet. It allows students to quickly obtain a vast amount of information on every subject. They also get the convenience of going to class and completing assignments, permitting them to schedule their time with great flexibility. The internet has become one of the easiest, fastest and most effective tools that can be used to explore and comprehend more about the world; however, it is not without problems. The uses of the internet by students changes their thinking patterns, distracts their attention and reduces their interpersonal skills.
The Internet is the key to development. In the United States, the Internet has a positive effect on education. It has broadened the amount and kind of resources accessible for research, provided students successful techniques for collaboration (discourse boards and forums), and has allowed for social networking to become not as formal and more widespread. The internet has the potential to be an enormous force for augmentation by giving fast and inexpensive information. It has turned into an instructive means for students, expanded communication, and allowed learning of all subjects to be shared.
In today’s world Internet has become one of the most important mediums of communication. It has become the lifeline of our survival. It has removed the entire social, economic and physical barrier and has immense effect on our day to day activity.
Nowadays nearly everybody on the planet have had a contact with PCs. An awesome piece of them has been utilizing universal PC 's net known as 'Internet '. Internet is essential need of young time today; youth can get by without sustenance yet can 't make due without web. Above all else, Internet gives access to a considerable measure of data. Some of them are exceptionally valuable in your employment different aides in your pastime. At first web was not so conspicuous but instead after advancement in adaptable development web has wound up crucial need of people in worldwide. Internet has extended correspondence brisk and it is gainful if young fellows and young women will use it in extraordinary reason. Everything can be gotten using web wherever at whatever point. Confine planning is perfect position of internet, utilizing internet rule can be educated at commonplace regions where there are no educators open. Understudies adjacent can learn through web they give online exam. Everything has possessed the capacity to be online today even there is no persuading inspiration to go outside for support; utilizing internet we can plan sustenance, so it has groups of purposes of intrigue. While the internet has a gigantic rundown of advantages, it has a few drawbacks too incorporates wellbeing dangers, absence of social association and others. In this manner this essay is divided into two parts and will talk about the disadvantages of utilizing internet particularly alluding to
Internet started with the electronic computers in the 1950s. The most important time for the internet was when it started in the 1960s as the way of government researcher to share the information. On January 1, 1983, is considered the official birthday of the Internet because, before that, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. High-speed internet help people to spend more 490 minutes of their day in some sort of media. The increasing range of internet help the growth of using the internet in our every day’s life. In the article, it shows that how before when we have to check on our bank account we have to wait for it but right now, if we want to check then we can do online without waiting for the statement to reach home and tell us. Even the article shows that we as the human being used more internet compare to last 4 or 5 years. According to the article, “The internet accounted for 13% of average