
Portfolio Analysis On Vanguard, Reynolds And Hasbro

Better Essays

Xiaoling Tang
1654 Aspen Ct. Apt 237
Kent, OH
July 27, 2015

Ms. Sharpe
3737 Cascades Blvd #206
Kent, OH

Dear Ms. Sharpe:
Investment decision is an intricate process that requires careful analysis of individual investment options available for continued profitability. Different financial analyses provide different perspectives. While ratio analysis of an individual company offers the financial health of that company, its comparison with other key investment opportunities may be limited when comparing across different industries. This analysis seeks to utilize a number of statistical and financial results emerging from the analysis of 5 years of data. The results will be analyzed and discussed per individual subheading used in the analysis to provide a broader picture.

The mean of Vanguard is 0.57433 as compared to RJR and Hasbro whose means are significantly high at 1.87483333 and 1.18383. However, the standard deviations of the three variables indicate that Vanguard has the lowest standard deviation at 3.60171 as compared to 9.36645828 and 8.11583 for RJR and Hasbro respectively. The lowest standard deviation as in the case of Vanguard indicates that the data is more reliable and provides a more realistic data set than the other data sets. Thus, Vanguard provides the best investment opportunity. The median of the data may not provide a very accurate description of the variables although Vanguard’s

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