
Population in India Equates to Unbelievable Traffic Essay

Decent Essays

Management in Action – Social, Economic and Ethical Issues
Indian government is facing the problem of traffic congestion in its four metro cities namely Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Delhi is the worst affected. Reports say that on an average 1,200 vehicles are added to delhi roads daily. In September 2010, Mail Today carried a report quoting CRRI scientists. It said, "Six years of Delhiites’, careers are spent in snarls as 7 million man hours and Rs. 100 crore in productivity are lost to gridlocks, making the capital the worst congested city in India."What has the ministry worried is that though the Master Plan projection for public transport usage is an impressive 80 per cent by 2020, it has actually slipped to under 40 per cent …show more content…

VEHICULAR GROWTH: The uncontrolled and ill planned growth of urban centers has resulted in a number of problems like traffic congestion, shortages of water and electricity, deteriorating environment and public health. The growing cities have generated the high levels of demand for travel by motor vehicles in the cities. To match the increasing travel demand commensurate efforts have not been made to develop the mass transport systems
TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS: This section describes the traffic characteristics such as traffic volume and composition, Travel patterns and speed measurements on major roads in few case studies in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Comparison is made as to how the traffic characteristics are changing over a period of time and the emerging issues are highlighted
TRAFFIC VOLUME: The traffic has grown tremendously on the road network of Delhi in all the areas. The maximum average growth was observed in the inner area (8% per annum) followed by outer area (6% per annum) and middle area (3% per annum). The typical hourly variation of traffic volume on selected road sections in each of the areas
TRAFFIC COMPOSITION: It consist of cars, two wheelers, auto/taxies, busses, trucks etc

Answer 2.
Traffic generation model
A traffic generation model is a stochastic model of the traffic flows or data sources in a communication network, for example a cellular network or a computer network. A packet generation model is a traffic generation model

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