
Population Growth In Louisiana

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The United States of America experienced a nearly one percent population growth rate in 2014 (Lafayette Parish, Louisiana). This growth rate is higher in comparison to Britain, France, and other first world countries. To many, this statement is not surprising. There is always an exaggerated news story about the increasing number of people immigrating to America and how it affects the country. Each woman in America is replacing herself and her spouse by giving birth to an average of nearly two babies in her lifetime (Louisiana). As America grows, more and more people migrate to cities because, generally, living in a city provides an easier life. Cities have plentiful jobs, more housing, and a multitude of places to shop and to eat. Cities also …show more content…

As stated by the Lafayette Parish census, “Lafayette has had a 14.14% population change from 1990 to 2000 and a 9.73% population change from 2000 to 2010” (Lafayette Parish, Louisiana). The problem with such steep rates of growth is that Lafayette has 825 people per square mile and it is very difficult to stop congestion (Lafayette Parish, Louisiana). This is a drastic difference when compared to the average people per square mile in the United States as a whole, which is 34 (Louisiana). Lafayette started as a meager town in the middle of Louisiana and when a few other parishes split up around it, Lafayette was pronounced its own parish. It is now a center of trade and has many major ways of transportation through the parish. An airport, seven major railways, two highways, and two interstates all run through Lafayette and bring travelers to the parish. Much of Lafayette is filled with households making around the average earning of most Americans, however, it is a hub for high-earning Americans. As stated by the Louisiana Census, “median household income in Lafayette in 2013: $47,784” (Louisiana). When a town has a large population of wealthy people there are inherently more cars, larger houses, and extensive residential property spread among few owners which forces less-earning people to live a more congested lifestyle. This crowds the streets with more cars and leads to more congestion. …show more content…

A comprehensive plan, as stated by Lafayette officials, is “a Comprehensive Plan is a long-range plan or “guidebook” for a community’s growth, development and redevelopment. It is a vision for the future that plans for a twenty year time period, based on local conditions, values, and aspirations” (Comprehensive Plan). The planning, zoning, and development is a system of their government responsible for: Purchasing or developing property, Undertaking construction projects (permitting, inspections), Condemning Unsafe Structures, and Opening or relocating businesses (Comprehensive Plan). Lafayette officials are working to annex additional land to its parish to free up congestion. Another problem that city officials are trying to cure is that their school systems have fallen behind and have an increasing student to teacher ratio. Lafayette schools have become congested and have over thirty kids per classroom. It is much harder to learn and get one on one time with a teacher given such high numbers. School officials are working to rezone and add schools to the district. Stated by Lafayette Parish School System officials, as the “community grows and progresses it is important that all stakeholders assist in creating a quality school system that offers every child equitable opportunities and an excellent education” (LAFAYETTE Public Schools).

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