
Population Based Intervention Model Essay

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Education is a major factor in a person’s ability to change personal behavioral risk factors. Tobacco use today is still a problem among young people, with more than 3,000 children and teens becoming new smokers each day (Knickman & Kover, 2015, p. 122). There is correlation between an increase in median household income and a decrease in the prevalence of smokers, higher cessation rates, higher state cigarette tax, and more legal protections from tobacco pollution (Knickman & Kover, 2015, p. 123). Smoking is one of the major causes of chronic illness in the United States (U.S.) today and the World Health Organization is (WHO) address this in their Healthy People 2020 behavioral risk factors.
Smoking behavior can be address at multiple …show more content…

This needs to be influenced and changed in the community environment. The population based intervention model suggested by Markov is a good model to begin addressing and helping the population with risk factors of chronic disease. Downstream intervention for smoking cessation show a mid-level cost alternative with pharmacological intervention nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum), bupropion, and varenicline (Cathill, Stevens, Perera, & Lancaster, 2013). These individual based intervention work well, although they need to be reinforced by midstream and upstream resources. Midstream is where a lot of intervention exposure can help. Making work and school campuses smoke free can help prevent behavioral risk factors. Using support systems in the workplace and in the schools can help support individuals through prevention activities. Which leads into upstream intervention by initiating nonsmoking campaigns in the schools and work place. The U.S. government began putting warning labels on cigarettes in 1967, although the warning labels are weaker and less prominent than other countries (Center for Disease Control, n.d.). This has been my experience where in England the whole back to top of a cigarette package has skull and cross bones on

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