
Population Aging In The United States

Decent Essays

The world population is growing older; it is going to have an enormous impact on public and private interests. Between 2012-2050, the United States will experience considerable growth in its more elderly population. The US Census project that by the year 2030 the population of individuals aged 65 and over will be reached approximately 73 billion. It generates social and economic difficulties such as the tendency of economic growth, the workforce, health care system, immigration, and pension system (Ortman et al). Population aging is present in every country both developed and developing country; people are living longer than their previous generations. “In 2012, the United States had the largest number of people in the oldest-old age category among developed countries” (Ortman et al). Much of this aging is due to the United States is facing the effect of the retirement of the baby boomers. This generation has been completely active in the businesses and the economic growth. However, the development of science and technology will help the balance of the impact of changing demographics.
Pension system faces serious challenges because of the number of beneficiaries increases while the numbers of contributors decrease at the same time. Currently, people have healthier lives which means the increase in life …show more content…

This rapidly aging population indicate that countries will count with less working-age people in their economy. The private sector tends to discriminate people over 50 which limits their participation in the labor force affecting the economy of countries. “Businesses will soon have little choice but to be more attentive to the needs and capacities of older employees; their ability to adapt could become a source of competitive advantage.” (Bloom et al). A huge transition is coming, and we have to be prepared to deal with those

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