
Essay on Pop Culture Argument: Social Networking

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My argument against social networking will give people some insight to my point of view in regards to why I feel it is harmful to individuals for several reasons. I will start by saying when these networks were first developed their mission was quite honorable and simple. Social networking was a place for people to just meet and converse in general.
We are now living in an age of technology where the information contained on these sites is now being used against us. I am specifically talking about the integrity of the information that these sites currently hold on its’ members. Many of the social network members are truly unaware of the dangers that their personal information on these sites can have on the present, past, …show more content…

Many criminals use

these databases to build their own group whose target is to help reach their own criminal gains monetarily. People that use these social networking sites need to have a better understanding of what information they are giving up as well as what rights to privacy they are giving up when they sign up to join these alleged sites. In America, we have the mentality that no can touch us. But in reality, we are making it easier for our freedoms to be stripped as well as our lives to be monitored not only a national scale but on a global scale as well because of the high-speed technology of today. There have been cases of spurned relationships via face-book and people can use it to tarnish your reputation because of spite or just because the relationship they was searching for in you failed. The information is just too powerful and could haunt you for a long time, which in turn could lead to an individual stalking you. Of course, then there’s the issue of getting the authorities involved, restraining orders, and not mention financial hardship one can incur due to court and legal fees because someone did not know the difference between real and reality of these social networking sites. MySpace has its issues as well. I have heard the term a lot “sharing is caring”. This social network has too many holes in it

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