
Poor Kids Documentary Summary

Decent Essays

1. Summarize the video so the reader understands the theme
The documentary that I chose to watch was titled “Poor Kids.” The short film was based on the struggle with poverty, but through the eyes of kids. It featured 3 main children and basically showed how each of their families was dealing with being poor. The first child shown was 9 year-old Brittany. Her father had lost his job and her pregnant mother cannot work due to the fact that stress causes her to go into seizure like episodes. The second Child shown was 10 year-old Kaylie. Kaylie lives with her single mother and an older brother. Her mother’s bills are more than she can afford and that doesn’t leave much for food or gas. The third child shown was 13 year-old Jonny. His family, which consists of his parents and 2 other siblings, lived in a Salvation Army homeless shelter. Jonny wants to play football and because his family can’t afford his supplies, he fears if he doesn’t get to play all those dreams will start to slowly fade away. …show more content…

Which social phenomenon or problem did the video touch upon? If it is more than one, mention the most important to you.
The main social phenomenon that the video pertained to was child poverty, also known as a “multidimensional” poverty. There are plenty of ways poverty can be translated but in the simplest terms, poverty means not having enough to satisfy your basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter. In this situation people usually living in poverty find it hard to get them selves out. The kids in this video are at a high risk of continuing the cycle and not being able to find a way out of their situation.
3. Which societal forces have encouraged this phenomenon or problem to rise? (For example consider as social forces one or more of the following: the family, media, economy, religion, gender discrimination, racism, politics, education, crime

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