
Pomegranate Essay

Decent Essays

A pomegranate is a whole fruit that has endless possibilities built up on it’s tiny inside. Seeds of growth, seeds of intelligence, and seeds of personal development. Within a pomegranate there are many different possibilities. There are many seeds for growth that are inside of a pomegranate, and with the development and maturity they grow and can be used to do wonderful things. There are many ways for a person to find their own identity, and with these so called “seeds,” or as I refer to them “traits,” you can find your role in the complicated world. Pomegranates are very complicated fruits, but with development and maturity the pomegranate finds itself useful in many other aspects in human nature.

People may look at someone and judge them on their appearance or how they act. In reality most people have many great aspects about them on the insides, and what is on the inside is …show more content…

The seedlings that are inside me are still going and showing me who I am as a person. Like a pomegranate, I have many seeds or traits inside of me, but once you start maturing you find out what the seeds are all about. Knowing who I am as a person has helped me achieve many things in my life, for example, coming out as a homosexual in 9th grade helped me become who I am today. Being able to use all my traits together to help build the confidence really did help me find out who I am today. When old seeds die and spoil in a pomegranate they produce new ones to grow. I feel like that relates to me because once I mature and develop from my old ways, then I find bigger and better traits to help contribute to society. Sometimes I feel like everyone underestimates my worth, and with a pomegranate many people look past the fruit. The fruit gives goodness to people, and I feel like I can sometimes give goodness to people. People sometimes don’t give the fruit or me a equal

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