
Polygamy Buhman Case Summary

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Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine Brown, and Robyn Sullivan are the plaintiffs V. Jeffery Buhman (county Attorney) the defendant. The issues of the case, is the Brown family having a polygamy relationship while it’s illegal to do so in the state of Utah. The Brown family contends it is in their religion to practice polygamy relationships, while the defendant contends the religion the Browns claims they are a part of does not practice polygamy relationships anymore since 1904. In 2010 an investigation was opened on the Brown family in the state of Utah, for violating Utah’s bigamy statue section76-7-101. The Brown family left the state of Utah and fled to Nevada while they were fighting the investigation against them. Furthermore, the Browns filed a 42 1983 action in federal district court against the state of Utah, over its ban prohibiting polygamy. According to Salt Lake City news, the Brown family argued that the investigation infringed on their right to privacy and religious freedom. Moreover, a federal judge in Salt Lake City sided with the family, making it no longer a crime to cohabitate with multiple people and purport to be married stating there was a violation of the free exercise clause of the First Amendment …show more content…

You have one judge saying the investigation infringes on the Brown’s family due process right and the freedom to exercise the establishment of religion, the right to privacy, while on the other hand, the appealing judge standing firmly on upholding the law that was set in place, saying it is illegal to have a polygamy relationship in the state of Utah. The sister wives case pertains to the idea of laws on the book and law in action because the Brown family committed an illegal act (polygamy) knowing it was illegal in their state and the courts had to follow the rules of the law (law in the book) while making the decision on the

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