
Polo Ralph Lauren Essay

Decent Essays

Polo Ralph Lauren and Social Media Enhancements Polo Ralph Lauren’s internal and external social media are outdated and need refurbishing. As an ever-popular company for everything from fashion to home décor it is vital to keep all marketing tactics up to date. While plenty products are seen, and sold in department stores, there is a growing online market. Bettering the company’s website and social media accounts will increase success by gaining consumers. The underlying problem is current internal and external social media are out of date, as well as better marketing tactics through social media need to be instilled. Ultimately the problem that needs to be addressed is the company’s outdated internal and external social media. Updating the company’s social media will allow for company growth through marketing appeal, cyber security, and communication improvements.
1. Hire website consulting company
2. Work with marketing department to better advertising mechanisms
3. Work towards establishing internal and external website and social media safety internally.
Industry’s Best Practices A great tactic for external social media is utilizing hashtags to advertise a promotion or the brand in general. For example, Ben and Jerry’s utilizing the hashtag #FreeConeDay over social media on days that they offer a free …show more content…

Through the acknowledgement of the terms of service any suspicious activity will result in suspended accounts, based on what the activity entails repercussions may be more serious. The company should establish their own rules for internal social media use, to be sure those representing the company appear respectable online. With the use of cybersecurity all social media platforms and websites will be protected from being hacked. Utilizing proper cybersecurity will ensure consumer’s personal information when making online purchases will be

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