Politics are something that affects our lives forever. Since the United States in a democracy, we the people get a vote and a voice in politics. Therefore, it is important to be an educated voter. The time to start learning about and getting involved with politics is while you are young. The very first thing you should do when you turn 18 is register to vote, it is the fastest and easiest way to involve yourself in politics. If this isn’t quite enough of you are more interested in politics, there are a variety of organizations they promote youth involvement in politics. Each are similar in the fact that they promote youth involvement; however, the way the two approach the task is very different. The first I will discuss is called Rock the Vote, the second is Boys and Girls State. If you are passionate about something and want to make it know, there is always the option to start your our group to raise awareness. You can use that club to encourage people to vote one way of another on a subject.
Rock the Vote is an organization that works to build political power for young people in our country. Rock the Vote has registered more than five million young people to vote and is a trusted source of information for young people about registering to vote and casting a ballot. They use music and new technologies to motivate young people in our country to participate in every election. Their goal is to empower the youth by giving them the resources they need to be smart and educated
Citizens Participation- becoming informed, debating issues, and voting in elections. Document
Politicians should be engaging youth in upcoming elections through face-to-face interaction and the use of technology. Young voters don’t have enough awareness and knowledge about politics. By conducting outreach programs or visiting high schools and college/university campuses, would help young voters understand political platforms and will give the political leaders an opportunity to hear the concerns of young voters. For example, as post secondary students it would be encouraging to have the chance to engage with political leaders, and have a better understanding of what they represent and who we feel best represents us as Canadian citizens.
For most teenagers turning 16 means an opportunity to drive without supervision and starting college. A new campaign is hoping to give these teenagers the ability to vote in local elections. The Vote16USA aims to reduce the age of voting from the current age of 18 to 16. The objective of this campaign is to promote the participation of youth in politics. The campaign has ignited debate over issues such as the competency of their decision making and whether allowing people as young as 16 is the best way to engage the youth.
In conclusion, young voters need to take an active role in government in order to continue one of the founding principles of our country which is that we are an democratically elected republic who is looking out for the interest of all of its people. The problem lies not within the older generation who have high turnout rates and are concerned with supporting issues relative to their stage in life. Instead, the burden lies upon the apathetic younger generation whose unique ideals, viewpoints, and experiences are being squandered because we are not voting. It is time for young Americans to step up to the plate.
-A reminder---The Summer Assignment is due by 10:00pm on Wednesday, August 26. Late assignments will accepted up to 4pm on August 28 with a serious grade reduction (20% per day). After that, late assignments will absolutely not be accepted and will result in your transfer to the on-level section.
In the last federal election only 43 per cent of people under age 34 cast ballots, compared to 65 per cent of older voters. If social media isn’t getting young voters than the question continues of what will. Many do believe it is the schools system that didn’t encourage political movement throughout early childhood. In addition it has been proven that if something is not nurtured at a young age, the chances of it ever being put into action is doubted. Many of the families whose parents voted, the children followed and their children. Therefore, creating a clear pattern if young people didn’t start early the likely hood of them ever starting depends on their demand for change. “It used to be that researchers expected that, as young people got older, they would show up in higher numbers at the ballot box — but the ‘Life Cycle Effect’, as it’s been called, looks like it’s starting to fade. The voters that are not showing up now are not likely to show up later, either. That has dire implications for our
There are three possible solutions to the lack of active participation in politics and elections in youth, ages 18 to 25. The first solution is to pass House Bill 16-148 in Colorado which will require high school students to pass the civics portion of the federal citizenship test to graduate high school. The second solution is to lower the voting age to 16 years old. The third solution is to create a youth congress that deals with social issues that relate to the youth. The policy that our group decided would best increase participation in politics and elections in people ages 18 to 25 would be to lower the voting age to 16, because it develops the habit of voting at a younger age, it encourages schools and parents to provide the youth with a better understanding of the government and politics, it allows youth to have a voice in issues that involve them as well as encourage politicians to support policies that help the youth, and it has been proven to fix the issue of voter participation.
figures point to a lack of knowledge in youth about how to participate in politics, and
“Young people are interested in politics, and do have faith in the democratic process. Nonetheless, the political system and the established parties and politicians that dominate it, are together failing to
Registration and voting organizations such as MTV's Rock the Vote have been accredited with increasing young Americans' voter turnout numbers. Rock the Vote's primary focus, since its founding in 1990, has been increasing voter registration within the nation's youngest age group. The organization frequently hosts Get-Out-the-Vote drives on college campuses and on concert tours in order to reach young people. since its beginning, support for Rock the Vote has been massive, and in 1992 it was recognized for influencing more than one million young voters to participate in electing their President.
Political inactivity on the part of young Americans stems from one fundamental source -- a general cynicism of the American political process. This disdain for politics is further perpetuated by a lack of voter education and a needlessly archaic voting procedure that creates barriers to voting where they need not exist. While many of these existing problems can be rectified with relative ease through the implementation of programs such as Internet voting and better voter education, such programs create only a partial solution.
Voting is very essential and one of the easiest methods to influence public policy. You just need to be registered, and go to a polling station. It is simple because the government encourages people to vote, to hear a broad range of opinions. It is a form of direct democracy because when you vote, it directly affects the side or issue you support. Your vote is one more supporting opinion for a candidate or issue that is counted. Some people may think that their vote won’t make a big difference, but if you look at it from another perspective it can impact smaller and local issues. Although voting is imperative because you are given this privilege at the age of 18, it is not the end of one’s ability to influence government, but rather the beginning.
The message emerging from a recent research series on youth civic and political participation is clear: today's youth are not disjoined from associational and small political life, but they are increasingly disenchanted with formal political institutions and practices. Children and youth under 18 have made sententious strides in recent years toward fuller involvement in democratic processes. These strides,
A question that is frequently asked is how can one be involved in politics? There are many options. One option can be by joining a political party which interests them and that has a good manifesto with policies that they would like to see take place and therefore taking part in elections and voting. A second option can be by being part of a pressure group for example, one that represents those against smoking called
When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution their main focus was creating a nation where everyone would be free from the restraints of a controlling government and treated equal. America has always been a nation of freedom, and needs to remain that way. The youth in this country is charged with the task of ensuring that America remains the “land of the free”. Without involvement in politics this is not possible. If youth are to maintain the American ideals of freedom and equality it is imperative that they be involved in politics. Voting every four years for the president, who is more of a figure head than anything else, is simply not enough. Young people need to take a more active role in politics such as running for a political office, local or national. This is the only way they will be able to put their beliefs into action and ensure that America upholds it’s long standing values of freedom and equality. The youth need to start taking action as soon as they are old enough. However, young people need to be educated on politics and be firm in their beliefs before delving into the world of politics. In recent years the youth have shown a trend of disengagement and apathy toward political involvement. According to “The Good Citizen”, a book written by Russell J. Dalton, political analysts and politicians agree that the youth are losing interest in politics and