
Political War Analysis

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“Why can't everyone just get along?” is an easy question that is not so easily answered. Those words always flew out of my mouth every time my conservative, Catholic grandparents and liberal mother criticized and attacked one another. They were all just heated arguments until once, my grandmother called my mom explicit names because she voted for Obama in 2012. My Mom, of course, took offense to the name calling and just told herself that their opinions don't matter. I'm sure my grandparents said the same about her opinions. My family was torn for months. As a naive 12-year-old boy, all I felt was anger at my grandmother for attacking my mother like that. I couldn't believe someone would insult someone's character because she has a different belief. It confused me. I couldn’t wrap my mind around how they could have heart to heart conversations about lost loved ones and help each other out on the side of the highway, yet always be on offense any time the election came up. …show more content…

Through these wars of political words and ideologies that I didn't quite understand yet, the one thing I understood clearly was that there was no talking. They were relentless, with no intent to compromise. Nobody looked to understand the other's point of view, only to defend their own. I use the words “political war” because it was just that, a war between women’s rights and God’s word, universal healthcare and the free market, an unstoppable force and an immovable

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