
Political Issues In Russia

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Russian Federation has a long and interesting history. Many different events the structure and development of the country. Nowadays, Russia plays one of the most important roles in our world. Russia is located at the intersection of different cultures and contains multinational population and ethno-cultural diversity. Russia is an interesting country to discuss its issues of ethnicity and religion, try to predict the future development and economics of the country. How different country’s issues such as class distinction, equity and equality, race, religion, nationalism and other political variables are solved or considered by the state at least. The main goal of this work is to show weaknesses and struggles which Russia faces on the road …show more content…

After replaces of all these phases, transitions and links between phases, humankind would try to reform itself and improve itself to achieve a better world to live in for everyone. The first phase which Marx described in his work was called primitive or tribal-communism when humans lived in small communities or tribes and lived a quasi-communistic existence. The main idea of that society was to share their work and resources were. The main decisions for a tribe were made together or communally. During the ancient period, the first societies, for example, the Roman Empire, were based on ownership of land and control of labor It was a hierarchical system. Its noble classes, or we could say the class who ruled the state, used slave labor, At that time, slavery wasn't based on the race, prisoners of military conquests mainly or people who could not pay debts became slaves mainly. This phase was called the slavery phase. After the slavery phase, there was feudalism. It existed during medieval times when kings and lords ruled and owned the land. They gave some parts of their lands to their peasant farmers and let them live and take care about it, these peasants served their lords and kings, for example, they return their obedience, tributes and military service. Capitalism was the next phase. It is an industrialized system that appeared and was developed in the 18th century after industrial

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