
Political Controtorical Analysis: Malcolm X Political Conflict

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Malcolm x' political conflict
Malcolm X was born in very troubled environment when American community was suffering from a lot of problems of the mid twentieth century. Like every other black young man, he suffered because of racism. Malcolm wanted a change. When this very young man decided to study law in order to educate himself, he lost his father who was preacher and an organizer for Marcus Garvey's universal Negro Improvement Association. His father killed and that caused him a lot of problems economically and mentally problem that destroyed his dream of going to the college. He became harmful, a criminal, an armed burglar and so on all targeted at the whites. This way took him into jail where he met with great influence …show more content…

Early Little and M. Louise Norton, both Garveyites. Malcolm became a gangster and arrested by police. The prison released Malcolm X on parole. In 1946 Malcolm converted to be Muslim. He changed his name to Malcolm X while he was in jail and discovered the Nation of Islam, which has already converted a number of Malcolm's siblings. Inspired by the faith, Malcolm stops using drugs; he reads a lot, prays, studies Latin and English, and joins the prison debate team. Malcolm X spent six years and after his release from prison in 1952 he met the Nation's leader that was called Alhaj mohammed. Malcolm became Elijah Muhammad's right-hand man. Everything seems to be going great for Malcolm. Malcolm adopted the theory of using the violence for self-protection. Malcolm X's growing popularity put him in many problems with Muhammad, who fired him from the organization in 1964. Malcolm found his own political and cultural philosophy of Afro-American Unity and visited Mecca as pilgrimage after that He changed his thought about white people and Afro-American share the same goals as Afro- Americans. As his following continued to grow, threats against his life increased, Malcolm X was assassinated in New York's Audubon Ballroom in February 1965, before they finished the book on February 21, 1965

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