
Political Action Paper Example

Decent Essays

Political Action Paper In 2012-2013, Mr. Carl Heastie, Assembly man for the North-East Bronx, was instrumental in restoring the budgetary costs to cover the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program. Prior to his involvement, seniors enrolled in the EPIC program, were forced to pay up to 25% of the cost of each medication. With his input in the decision making, the co-pay, was decreased to &20,00 for payment for each prescription. This paper will attempt to show, his commitment towards this health care issues, intended to be depicted during a set interview with him. Identification of the Representative Though I do live in New Jersey, I do work in New York, and have an intimate relationship for New York, since I spend some of my days at my friend’s home in the Bronx. I became familiar with MR. Heastie, because there has been numerous communication sent to the home from him, and invitation to various functions has always been open to me too. Because of that, I decided to read about health care issues that he is personally involved in, and sought his guidance with assisting with this project. .I found his interest in prescription cost and availability especially interesting since the thought that inability to obtain prescribed …show more content…

He was especially forth coming on the responses regarding his bi-partisans attitude. I gathered from him, that my line of questioning, inspired him to recognize that there may be challenges in maintaining his stance on the care for his elderly constituency. He was most intrigued in the questions and took credit for himself and had an attitude for the need to advocate continuously, for his community. I truly believe that I did open avenues for further discussions and aspiration to “fight” for his belief and for the “love” of his

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