Policing in Ontario
1. What are the different types of police forces we have in Ontario and how do they differ and how are they the same?
In Ontario, we have three different types of police forces. They are the municipal which are the numbered divisions within a city, provincial which is the Ontario Provincial Police, and federal which is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Municipal police forces are established by the municipalities and are usually in every major city. If a city has a population of approximately 50 000-100 000, then they usually contract out the policing to the RCMP such as in the case of Burnaby and Northern Vancouver, B.C. Municipal police forces are the most common type of policing found in
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Another reason why I strongly believe that policing in Ontario is good is because of the T.A.V.I.S. program. The Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy is a group of officers who focus on community policing and interaction with the community. They are deployed within a neighbourhood who are experiencing a rise in crime, and it’s their job to try to figure out the root cause of the problem by cooperating with the community. Their goals are to make neighbourhoods safer, not by arresting more people, but by the reduction of crime. Even though I believe policing in Ontario is good, there can obviously be changes or enhancements in order to be more effective. First off, Ontario needs to recognize aboriginal policing as a fully fledged police force. Not only are they more effective than regular police, they are also the preferred policing amongst the aboriginal people themselves. One of the most important aspects the police have to work on is community support and trust. They need to reach out and communicate with the communities. I say this because I believe the reputation of officers is tarnished, especially amongst any persons in priority neighbourhoods under the age of 30. In order to prove this, I went to the Kingston/Galloway area which is one of the priority neighbourhoods. I interviewed approximately 15 people of all different races, ages (under 30), and nationalities. Remarkably, not a single person
In the United States, there are city, county, state, and national police forces. They have very difficult and dangerous responsibilities. These public servants are required to perform many different jobs. They enforce laws and maintain order. They teach people how to help prevent crime and to protect themselves ( Mittleman, 2000). They offer assistance and take charge of many different situations such as car accidents, flooding, and hurricanes. Police
Policing major concerns are keeping citizens safe in their state and community, and enforcing their laws. The law enforcement agencies focus is upholding the law in making sure they intercede on the goal. Once Congress appointed the federal with power to regulate the United States but came with jurisdiction, containing to the United States Constitution for states to hold their own power the people must abide by laws. The police force includes protecting and serving the people and must enforce what the law is mandated. The police have several concerns with trying to protect and serve the public, keeping the communities with peace and not violated the government rules on the United States Constitution rights. The police
In both episodes of the television show “Cops”, the predominant race of the police officers was Caucasian. The primary officers for all service calls featured on the program were Caucasian. Of the two episodes observed, only one officer was African American. The suspects in both episodes were predominantly African American or Hispanic. Of the 6 scenarios featured throughout both episodes, two suspects were Caucasian.
Differences and Similarities in Police Training and Policy in the United States and other Countries
On the local and state levels of policing, for they are similar in organization and management. The federal level of
City or Local Police patrol within city limits and they follow city ordinances as well as county mandates. City police may have specialized units such as S.W.A.T., Mounted Unit, Air Support Division, Art Theft Detail, K-9 Unit, ACTF, Gang and Narcotics Division, Motors and Commercial Enforcement. County Sheriff patrols the unincorporated areas within a county, enforce county mandates and they also operate the county jails. State Police patrol state highways and maintain building operated by the state. Traditional organizational structures of policing agencies, traditionally respond to crime
Policing is a vital and visible component of our criminal justice system. To protect and serve is a basic responsibility of every police department, specifically in Canada. In Canada, citizens have a lot of faith in the police, as they look forward to police for any kind of safety concerns they may have, yet people are also very quick to judge the police. The police play an important role in minimizing threats and maximizing safety of their citizens. The role of the police in our society is shaped by social, economic and political factors.
Numerous police agency’s and police officials work on a distinctive local, state, and federal level and role. It has its individual area, sectors, and function, and work according to local streets parts inside policing. In order for any local, state, and federal police division to work successfully it must hire chiefs, deputy’s, and sheriffs who retain leadership and who uses creative thinking skills to teach comprehensive, and aggressive instruction to make the police division a tougher department by holding all its workers tasks for doing his or her job according to its agency’s guidelines and procedures known as code of conduct. “Municipal police work for municipalities such as towns or cities, county police and deputy sheriffs work for counties, state police work for states, and federal police work for the federal government. Some have the same duties as one another or very similar duties, and some have different or additional duties. Their jurisdiction is sometimes the main difference. For example, a municipal police officer normally has primary
Policing throughout the years. Policing has changed over time to become what it is today. The three eras of policing are, the political era (1840-1930), the reform era (1930-1980), and the community era (1980- present). During the political era, police officers had strong ties to the community because they lived in the communities they served and they focused on foot patrol (Miller et al., 2014). They knew who they served and protected because they were out with the same people each day. Police chiefs
In Canada, the police are the public sector partners and commissioned the three levels of government: municipal, provincial and federal. Most urban areas have been authorized by the provinces to maintain their own police force. Some, such as the Toronto Police Service and the Police Department of the City of Montreal are controlled in a particular city, Toronto and Montreal, respectively, while the Regional Police Service Niagara all cities including the Regional Municipality of Niagara. All but two of the provinces of Canada, in turn, contract their provincial responsibilities enforcement RCMP / RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Royal Canadian Mounted Police, popularly known in English-speaking regions such as the RCMP), the strength of
Community policing is a relatively new model of service delivery that is employed by the majority of police forces across Canada. Community policing however, is not a “new” approach, it is more correctly a renewal or re-emergence of the old approach developed in Metropolitan London (Leighton & Normandeau, p.21).
Since a very young age we have been taught to put our trust into police officers. If we are in distress, they are always there to help since it is their job to protect and serve the common citizen. So what happens when the individuals we are supposed to trust to bring justice are the ones causing the injustice we see in the news? Recently, several police officers have been under fire for their excessive use of force. The number of casualties caused by police officers in the recent years have citizens demanding a reform in the system that officers work under.
This English method also contributed three features: limited police authority, local control of the police agency, and a fragmented system of law enforcement (Walker, 1983). A fragmented system of law enforcement is very evident today. The United States currently has approximately 15,000 different police agencies. These individual police agencies are subject to little coordination with minimal national regulation (Walker, 1983).
The history of a professional police service in England dates back to the creation of the Metropolitan Police in 1829 by the then Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel (Joyce, 2012), the City of Glasgow Police was the first professional force to be created in Britain in 1800 (Newburn, 2013). The Metropolitan Police force replaced the volunteers who had until then served in an unpaid capacity to perform police duties. The professional police service then served as a template on which to model other local police forces throughout England and Wales (Joyce, 2012). There are 41 provincial police forces outside London and two within London, the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police, at its peak the total number of officers in England and Wales was over 143,000 in 2006 (Hale et
Did you know that 42% of Americans find their local law enforcement untrustworthy? This is due in large part to the number of police related incidents that have been in the news of late. The negative publicity that law enforcement is getting has an adverse effect on all police departments, nationwide. In turn this is having an effect on police-community relations. To better the relations between the Ringgold police department and the community there needs to be more outreach programs.