
Police Stress

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Introduction Stress happens to everyone and it is usually not seen as something so serious. Police officers usually have higher stress levels due to the fact that people’s safety are in their hands. Historically, law enforcement agencies did not recognize the seriousness of the high levels of stress, and police officers were forced to deal with it on their own. When assistance was finally available, most officers chose not to seek help because it would make them seem weak. However, Police stress needs to be taken into consideration as a serious matter, and even several studies have shown that police fatigue has similar effects as those alcohol. To Police officers, stress caused by the job can sometimes be overwhelming. This can affect their …show more content…

On the other hand, not all personal relationships have to end badly. In order for them to strive, it is important to consider the factors, such as stress, that are affecting their connection. However, if the factors are not brought outwards, they can have serious consequences. As mentioned before, the stress of a police officer is not like any other and most officers may not know how to deal with all of the stress and problems at once which can cause them to exert negative emotions. If the negative emotions are not regulated, it can be another factor which causes the relationship to end. In marriages, quality time can be an issue as many things can get in the way for police officers. Most people argue whether police officers have a higher divorce rate than the average, but considering the fact that the divorce rate does not affect one’s marriage, there still needs to be clear communication. Stress can affect communication in relationships. Officers are emotionally exhausted and may keep a lot to themselves, including their …show more content…

Afterwards the highest point, the officers’ performance starts decreasing. (Yerkes-Dodson Law, n.d.) This research was primarily tested on rates in a maze where rats were given an electric shock every time they made a wrong decision. At first, the rats were encouraged to learn more due to the shock, but after a certain time and higher voltage, the rats began to slow own and freeze. The same thing is with the officers. The more their stress increases, after a certain point their performance will decrease until they cannot go any

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