As police shootings keep constantly coming up on every news site possible nobody knows the full effect of them before instantly dragging police officers down as bad people. When officers have to shoot a certain suspect down to the ground it instantly hits breaking news for the society to see. This article happens to be a little more understanding on why the officers had to gun down the suspect for their safety and the family’s safety that were in severe danger. The officer who gunned down the suspect had to get transported to the hospital for medical care and to be observed. Some may say officers need to refrain from shooting but when an incident is this bad sometimes it is the only option to settle things down to where they are controllable.
All of this happened on February 16, 2016 in a town called Fairfield, Connecticut right at the family’s house. The suspect’s wife and three children aging from 12 years to 15 years old all had numerous injuries and stab wounds that needed instant medical care. All four girls which included the wife and the three kids were instantly transported to the hospital in critical condition. “The wife was listed in critical condition at Bridgeport Hospital, and the 12-year-old was airlifted to Yale-New Haven
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“ “Research has found high rates of child maltreatment, widespread victimization, and other negative outcomes among homeless youth and older adults, resiliency among this population has largely been understudied” (Tyler, 2014, 348). This relates to this article in a way that the father of these three kids could have been angry in a way that they were struggling on money and had to rent a house rather than have their own. The family was going through struggles which could have led the man to go do what he did to his
The article summarizes the questionable police department training by teaching the police officers to shoot first before ask questions under questionable circumstances. This article also raises the issue of the validity of the research done by Dr. Lewinski supporting police shooting. Dr. Lewinski is a psychologist and an expert in police shooting research and has testified in numerous police shooting cases. For Dr. Lewinski, the officer’s motive for shooting an unarmed person was to self-defense and the act was very appropriate and reasonable. However, the question raises is whether the act was necessary for the police officers to shoot the individual in the back, and the video footage, witness testimony and forensic evidence challenges the police officer’s testimony. Yet, Dr. Lewinski was able to apply his theory and help to acquit the officers in all the cases.
In the recent days, there has been a series of killings conducted by police officers in the national scene. Recently a black man named Alfred Olango was killed by police in a parking lot. The man who was unarmed was killed by the police in a rather unexpected way as initially the sister to the man had called 911 to seek help from the police department since he felt that the brother was not acting as himself. He had shown an awkward behavior which the sister could hardly comprehend or even work with. This prompted her to call the police so that he could get help.
In light of the recent spate of police-involved homicides of suspects who may or may not have put the lives of the police involved in fear for their safety and well-being, this paper seeks to examine the use of deadly force by police officers in the line of duty. The training involved in using one’s service weapon in situations that call for a determination of the use of force will be explored, as will the rules, regulations, and extenuating circumstances that lead to the firing of a service weapon in the line of duty, resulting in the death of a suspect. The Supreme Court cases that have led to and/or upheld laws allowing a broader interpretation of what is considered justifiable use of deadly force will be briefly examined. Additionally, the use of non-lethal weapons, such as Tasers, by police forces and how the availability of these weapons influences the rate of deadly force will be inspected. Finally, an elucidation of the various perceptions of the general public of the police after use of deadly force is used within their communities will be addressed.
Knowing that there are currently, 421 pending cases that the police department has not solved in informing the public why police officers fired shots to those out of the 708 people, let us to believe that this is one of the reasons why the public is so outraged on police officers’ actions (“Fatal Force”, n.d.). If we have more cases being completed, then the public would not question the police officers’ decisions on why they have to shoot the person. Furthermore, if the police department has more completed cases regarding this issue, then the public can start valuing police officer’s dedication to public safety.
Firefighters and police get exposed to scarring traumatic experiences and dangerous situations such as facing the possibility of failure in saving everyone in a fire, the distress of stumbling across a corpse, or the horrors of killing someone, intended or not. This brings up the misconception surrounding the shoot-to-kill policy. To start, officers are actually trained to shoot-to-stop or to end the immediate threat. In the United States, deadly force is only granted under the impression they are in danger of significant bodily harm or threat. A common question civilians bring up to condemn this policy is, “why didn’t they shoot to disarm instead?” The reason why is because the concept of shooting to wound is problematic. One reason
The common profile of a homeless family is headed by a single mother, in her 20’s with an average of two children, of which one or both are under the age of six. Homeless mothers tend to be poorly educated, unemployed, and lacking the skills necessary to become employed. There is an equal representation of Caucasian (47%) and African American (47%) homeless mothers. These women commonly described their lives as ““… a remarkably constant stream of distressing and spirit-breaking encounters, beginning in early childhood …” including experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse, constant crisis, stress from persistent poverty, violence in the family and community, and isolation. Most of these women grew up homeless and spent their childhood in foster care making them distrustful of the system.
The use of deadly force by police officers is a very important subject in today’s society. Many consider the use of deadly force excessive in most cases. However, there are many aspects to look at when considering this topic, such as: Why was deadly force required? When did the officer feel it necessary to apply deadly force? What will be the implications for the officer after the fact? How does the use of deadly force affect society as a whole?
A black police officer has been accidentally shot by a white co-worker who “feared for his safety” in the while chasing a car.
Our text illustrates that there are various populations within the homeless community. These people are homeless for different reasons, whether its voluntary or involuntarily. Runaways and Victims of
This article takes a critical look at the negative effects on children’s who are living with relatives or friends as a result of their family not being able to financially afford housing. The federal definition of homelessness that all U.S. public schools use includes children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The law recognizes that living doubled-up is a hardship and an inherent barrier to academic success, and that’s why students living doubled-up are eligible for homeless services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Dill, 2015). Since, homelessness generally follows a traumatic event such as divorce, foreclosure, incarceration or job loss, children are more susceptible to present behaviors
In the video, Samantha Bee is a reporter, who is trying to find out the statistics on police shootings. Samantha wanted to know the actual number of police shootings that happen annually. Samantha interviewed many people, who are a part of the criminal justice system. Every person she interviewed didn’t know the statistics on police shootings but had statistics on other crimes. All the people Samantha interviewed didn’t know the national statistics on police shootings. The Individuals didn’t know where the statistics were sent to and how the information was recorded. Samantha asked various people the same questions, but no one knew the answer. Everyone who was questioned didn’t have an answer to the actual number of police shootings.
The civic current event I have chosen is the recent shootings of innocents by law enforcement. Within the past year there has been countless shootings... to many, the most well known ones are Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Freddie Gray. Michael Brown was shot 9 times in the body by officer Darren Wilson during an altercation that brown was fighting with the officer over the gun. This was because Brown had previously during that day had assaulted a store clerk and so he had a description set of him and Darren went to arrest him and then chaos ensued. Trayvon Martin was killed when a community watch member had shot and killed him for suspecting him of being a criminal even though he was innocent. Freddie Gray was killed during transport to
The fatal shooting of unarmed Michael Brown by a Missouri police officer brought national attention when law enforcement officers use deadly force. (18 U.S.C. § 242). At the start of 2015, the Washington Post (WAPO) began compiling data on police officer shootings for the reason that the federal government data's was unreliable and incomplete. The WAPO data provides statistics relating to the victim's mental status, age, race, gender, circumstances involving the shooting, and whether the victim was armed with a dangerous weapon. The data since 2015 results in more than 2,500 individuals who lost their lives due to fatal police shooting.
Police shootings of young black males that ultimately result in their death have become an all-too-common occurrence in this country. The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Gardner have highlighted police relations with this population. Before viable solutions can be established, a number of areas need to be addressed that relate to the historical context in which police relations with this group exist that impact current relations between the police and young black males. Why their lives are seemingly given less value by society than those of their white counterparts. The role that spirituality and religiosity play that may help to make connections between them and the police, and the benefit of the black church in fostering amicable police relations with young black males.
Police shootings of young Black males that ultimately result in their death have become an all-too-common occurrence in this country. The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Gardner have highlighted police relations with this population. Before viable solutions can be established, a number of areas need to be addressed that relate to the historical context in which police relations with this group exist that impact current relations between the police and young Black males, why their lives are seemingly given less value by society than those of their White counterparts, the role that spirituality and religiosity play that may help to make connections between them and the police, and the benefit of the Black church in fostering amicable police relations with young Black males.