
Police Force

Decent Essays

This paper is going to provide an overview of what police can and cannot do in terms of force. Police officers are trained and authorized to use force in making some arrests, restraining unruly combatants, or controlling a disruptive demonstration (Adams, 1999). There are several levels of force within the standard operating procedures of law enforcement agencies; however, these levels of force can vary depending on the circumstances and can change according to the types of weapons officer carried. Reasonable force means the use of force that's appropriate for when officers are protecting themselves and their property (Safrath, 2014). The second force is unlawful or excessive force. Unlawful or excessive force is to be considered physical force when directed at a person. For example, using a weapon, like a knife or …show more content…

Most police departments have a use-of-force matrix. The matrix system is a set of rules for officers go bye in the pursuit and capture of a suspect. The matrix is sort of a step-by-step blueprint that can guide officers when they should escalate. Each step shows the minimal amount of force that can be used to apprehend a suspect. The matrix starts with officer present. One or more officers arrive on scene depending on the totality of the circumstances. Additional officers may be request in order to gain better control of the situation and gain more safety for him. Next, verbal warnings followed by physically subduing the suspect. Physically subduing are empty-hand techniques and pressure point control tactics. The next, contains intermediate weapons. Intermediate weapons are pepper spray, taser, and baton. These weapons can be use at the officer disposal. Officers are usually carries at least one or more less-lethal weapons on their duty belt. Less-lethal weapons cause no real physical damage. Deadly force is the last on the matrix because it should always be considered the last

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