
Police Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

While conducting professional duties police officers are involved in many situations which bring up ethical dilemmas in the course of their careers. Each decision may have a profound impact on a number of people lives in and out of the community which they serve. As a result, police officers must have concrete moral and ethical beliefs in order to act quickly and correctly in situations which bring about ethical dilemmas. The power police officers hold allows them to make discretionary decisions, and these decisions must be made correctly in order to protect and serve. The facts of this situation are as follows; I am a police officer and the suspected drunk driver I have pulled over is my best friend. I had the right to pull over the car because his headlight was out. His record does not show any prior convictions, but I know that he has a prior incident of drunk driving which was …show more content…

Because of my capabilities to monitor and check up on the individual as his best friend, a different choice may be good for the majority and better for him as well. This different option would be entering an alcohol treatment program, going sober for a year, and volunteering to help victims of drunk driving accidents on a continual basis for 5 years. This option although not considered lawfully correct or conducting my duties correctly, would morally be correct for me. The decision would ethically support my values of friendship and care for individuals which I know. The legal consequences for following through legally would seriously effect my friend and his families life and I do not believe I would be ok with it. I believe that this alternative method would influence his moral beliefs toward the effects of drunk driving and would change his future actions to negate any harm to the majority without harming him and his family. This action then would still be in line with

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