
Police Discretion: The Ethics Of Police Deception

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A police officer is morally obligated to lie on account of trying to stay ethical. (Ciske, 2009) How many criminals do you know that are volunteering to confess criminal activity? Social media in our society has added to everyone views on the conduct or misconduct of police officers. I believe the focus should be on public safety rather than how police use deception to get an individual to confess. A police officer using trickery to get a confession is no more different than a person lying on the witness stand. Crimes are being committed, and someone has to solve them. However, any statement made during interrogation without being Mirandized usually are thrown out of court. Miranda states that once a person in custody invokes the right to remain silent, whether before or during questioning, the interrogation must stop. (Hall, 2014) The purpose of Miranda is to reduce the risk that coerced confession would be admitted; therefore, police should not be responsible for an individual ranting off during interrogation. Suspects in custody have rights; it’s up to them to exercise their rights. …show more content…

(2009). The Ethics of Police Deception: Ohio University. Retrieved October 18, 2017, from

Hall, D. E. (2014). Criminal Law and Procedure, 7th Edition: Cengage Learning. Retrieved October 18, 2017, from

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