
Police Corruption and Misconduct

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Police Corruption and Misconduct We all know that Police Officers and those involved in Law Enforcement are typically good people who we entrust to uphold our laws and rules in society. For them to be able to do their job however we grant them several privileges that that empower them more than the average citizen. Their status at times can make them appear above the law since they are the ones upholding and enforcing it and with all due respect I believe mostly of those individuals are responsible and respectable however as we know from history time to time such privileges an lead to corruption and the abuse of power which they are granted. The following CNN news article contains a hint of some of the corruption that can take place. Taking place in King City California a rural and agricultural area recently where 6 police officers along with the former chief of police were arrested for several charges including conspiracy. Accusations claimed that the arrested officers took advantage of their powers and would impound the cars of local citizens typically those in the lower class and poor with the goal of those victims not being able to afford the impounding fees and then selling the vehicles to make a profit afterwards. The owner of a local towing company was also arrested being believed to be part of the corrupt officer’s conspiracy. Dean Flippo who is the District Attorney of Monterey County believed the conspiracy would take the following steps in order. First one of

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