
Police Brutality Research Paper

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There are distinctive differences between use of force, excessive force, and brutality. What is meant by use of force, is the force that was essential while making that arrest, for example, an arrestee trying to fight back. What is meant by excessive force is the result of a lack of training and a violation of a person’s constitutional rights. Brutality is the physical violence done by a police officer. It is very important to first understand what each of the terms mean in order to better understand police brutality.
It’s hard to determine if an officer is actually using excessive force simply because there is not a national standard to what excessive force it. To prevent the use of excessive force, the system needs to first establish the …show more content…

No one may know the causes or things to prevent it completely, but the techniques that has been implemented is a start to helping prevent it. The system will never be perfect and there need to be a lot of improvements in the system. However, police officers should not have the right to attack or abuse a suspect. If the suspects are not resisting arrest or being disobedient, no officer should not be allowed to use excessive force towards them. Police are here to protect the lives of the citizens, and if the officers are harming them rather than protecting them, who will they rely on to protect them. If the system was to be stricter about the rules and laws, there would not be as many cases today. The system seems to reward the officers for their bad behavior and try to influence the media that every person that was killed by police brutality had done something wrong rather than admitting that the officer himself was in the wrong. In majority of the police brutality cases, the law is more likely to side with the officers. In the case Graham v. Connor, the Court defined how the use of force by law enforcement officers should be constitutionally evaluated (Petrowski). The Graham VS. Connor court case dealt with the legal aspects of using force while making an arrest. That case proved that the law sided with the officers rather than protecting the

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