
Police Brutality In 'All American Boy'

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Change is defined as making a difference for the better or the for the worst. Change in society is different though, people will find a to degrade society. Society wont change unless people change. People need to stop with the police brutality, the black on white crimes and how the media over publicize these crimes that are happing. People don't see that police are scared they put there life on the line everyday in a split second they have to make rash decisions that could cost them their lives. In the novel All American Boy, by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely, People in the community finds a change and stands up for there equal rights how the police brutality is dividing them and separating them from being equal in the nation. Police …show more content…

Police brutality is more publicized when its a black person committing/not doing a crime. People need to stop saying “ Oh it was because he was black,” no its not because he is black its cause he wasn't listening to the law officer, he was doing something that made the officer feel threaten. In the book All American boys, Rashad was an victim of police brutality he never go to speak up for what accrual happen, they just assume that he was stealing and that he assaulted that women he never had a right to say anything. the people who are victims never really get to tell there story first before they are attacked. People need to stop turning it into a race crime. Robert Ossler stated “In uniform I get nasty, hateful looks and out of uniform some consider me a threat. I'm tired physically and emotionally.” (Violence against police. newsela)He still shows up for work ever single doing his job trying to make a change in society, until people stop seeing him as a threat, and start seeing him as a human then people can take in his emotions. Shooing in Dallas, texas of police officers are causing more and more fear in them, if they are afraid of what the communities are doing to them, the people that are supposed …show more content…

Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La.; Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minn.; and police officers Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Smith, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens and Brent Thompson in Dallas.( to fix American policing.newslea) these are a list of names of officers and black men that was killed. Should police have guidelines that they need to follow on how much force they should use? The nation never really thought about a stander to used force, because when an officer is in a situation they don't know thats going to happen they used their best judgement in order to make them safe. The officer is train to shoot to kill, in that moment they think its either them or me and they know that they don't want it to be themselves. The nation should have a selected code for force, how and when to use it in different situations. Police needs to start to communicate with the communities to start showing them that they are that bad of people. Take officer Tommy Norman for example, he is involved with his community, he sings, dances, and he talks to his community. Norman believes that he needs to gain the trust of his citizens in his community in order for them to trust him, He knows that little kids are going to look up to him, he tries his hardest to make a change in his society one step at a time, he wants the people to believe and trust him like it should be in the way people see

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