
Police Brutality Essay

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Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Yvette Smith are only four names out of the hundreds of victims that are affected by police brutality every year. Imagine knowing that your innocent 7 year old child died while sleeping in her own home due to the hands of a policeman during a raid. This is what Charles Jones reality had come to when he had to grieve the loss of his daughter without getting any justice. Currently so far in 2018, 466 people have died in the hands of police. Over the years, the number of deaths due to police brutality have only increased. Surprisingly, this doesn’t come to a shock to many people because police brutality has become more of a common occurrence throughout the years. This needs to come to an end. The police …show more content…

This means that any act that can’t be justified and causes harm to a civilian will have consequences and their position as police won’t allow them to get away with their actions. The Justice Act would make police take courses that made sure they’re suited for the job and won’t use their instincts to use violence when dealing with civilians. This bill would also force police to always use the correct equipment such as body cameras to make sure that they are following the protocols. The Justice Act would not only work with police departments but also with organizations that help spread awareness about police brutality and advocate for change without using violence. “Awareness is the greatest agent for change” is a quote that helps represent this bill perfectly. With the help of this act, more people will become educated about police brutality and ways to help which will ultimately cause a change through many people. The Justice Act needs to be a law because there should be no fear towards people who are there to help. Minorities are the main targets toward police brutality which shows racial prejudice. Why is it that African Americans are two times more likely to get killed by a police officer than a white person? Why do the police tend to stop a person of color more than half of the time rather than a white person? This act will put an end to these and many other questions and decrease the amount of lives taken from the

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