
Polar Bear Controversy

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Evolution of the Polar Bear and their relationship to the Brown Grizzly: The Controversy Continues

Charles Darwin defines evolution as the way that species of organisms develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase one’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. The polar bear and the grizzly bear continue to be a test to scientists to get a clear picture of the evolution of the polar bear. Polar bears have long been thought to be a branch off of the brown bear, which developed their white coats and webbed paws to adapt to the Artic Sea ice. This has been thought to have happened over the last 150,000 years. However, more recent research from DNA samples question whether the ancestral lineage from the polar and brown bear could not have split some 600,000 years ago.
Regardless of the studies continuously being done on the polar bear and brown grizzly bear lineage, the polar bear is listed as “vulnerable” which is one level below “endangered” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature List. This is due to the warming climate, loss of sea ice, threats of hunting, shipping, and pollution (Hailer, Verena, and Bjorn, 2012).
Location of Polar Bears and Brown Bears …show more content…

Scientists recognize the Brown bear as the correct common name for the species. Brown bears are found in Canada, the United States, and across northern Europe and Asia. Polar bears are Ursus maritimus and they are found along the northern coasts and the arctic waters north of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. The overlap of the two species in North America is in the arctic region of northeastern Alaska and northwestern Canada. However, with the change in the climate, brown bears are expanding their range northward to new areas previously occupied by polar

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