
Poetry Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

When discussing the topic of poetry, people may mistake it as a piece of literature that poets or authors randomly write down; that it is a skill that can just naturally appear or be born with. Poetry is, in a sense, an outlet to express any ideas, experiences or emotions that are hidden within one’s self. It’s a song from the heart that is put into words. Over the centuries, famous poets such as Homer, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, William Shakespeare and Maya Angelou have taken shape, changing people’s lives with their art. These artists poems become an important factor of society, for they make people think while opening up the door to wonder and the astounding possibilities of language. Maya Angelou, although just one individual, was able …show more content…

The first poem to ever be inscribed on stone tablets was the Epic of Gilgamesh, which was recorded in the fourth century BC by the Mesopotamian people. This type of poetry distinguishes itself from others due to its common use of repetition and the presence of musical and artful expressions. It has been said that repetition was a popular element to use as it allowed the storytellers to remember the words with ease …show more content…

The wave of death that swept over the land had a significant impact on all aspects of European life, including poetry. During that time, most of the literary works were focused on the plague and its aftermath. Many began to question the role of religion, and as a response to this constant evolving society, Geoffrey Chaucer decided to write a collection of poems called The Canterbury Tales. These poems were the first to be written in English and spoken in a dialect by average people. It laid the foundations for more poetry that would be accessible to the masses

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