
Pocky Ads Synthesis Essay Examples

Decent Essays

The other day, I was watching TV when an advertisement came on marketing Pocky. I absolutely love pocky and was easily persuaded by the marketers, so I found myself in Costco the following day with three boxes of Pocky in my shopping cart. My mom tried telling me that it was a complete waste of money and it was “junk” that I could do without, but I decided to buy it anyway. I admit, it is a waste of money and I could spend my money on better things, but Pocky is one of my weaknesses and the marketers couldn’t help but take advantage of it
I always knew that the purpose of pocky advertisements was to manipulate consumers like me into buying it, but maybe marketing doesn’t always have to be this manipulative. Marketing doesn’t always have to be a way of manipulating consumers into purchasing and showing interests in their products. Maybe, if marketers are willing to use put aside their business interests and focus on …show more content…

“Normal” people eat unhealthy snacks “five times an hour,” but what about healthy children? (Source D.) There are so many more children who not only eat healthy, but exercise and stay in shape in order to live a healthy lifestyle. What if marketers focused on the positive actions that children take to maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than focusing on what “normal” people do? Positive marketing has already influenced children’s TV channel Nickelodeon which promotes fresh fruits and vegetables” on their stations and mass markets Harry Potter books which are “credited with encouraging children to read” (Source B). If marketers strive toward marketing that promotes these sorts of ideals and values, children will be encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle not only dependent on what they eat, but also what actions they take to live a lifestyle that encourages a better physical and mental

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